
What would you do with a million-dollar signing bonus? 

Maybe Koepka should practice with a slow-playing partner.

Think of all the cash and cars he can win barnstorming half-time shows at basketball games.

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

England and Germany are both ranked higher than France.

If you think his Twitter is bad, you should see what he says about some waiters on Yelp.

Man, John Wick 7 is awful.

Last week was the one-year anniversary of losing a good friend of ours very suddenly. She left behind a husband and three children. It still hits me hard every couple of days and it’s all I can do to keep from ugly-crying in public. I hope Gabriele’s family and friends can find peace and comfort through their grief as

USWNT better watch out the next time they have to face Madison Bumgarner.

Bud Light is up 27-24 with four minutes to go, when Bud puts in its secret weapon, the Pony Keg. 

No. The recent run has been incredible (I’m still in disbelief), but a small part of me misses the “Adonal Foyle Years” when one could get seats in the lower bowl for cheap and the Warriors, while forever just out of reach of the 8th seed, were nevertheless fun to watch because of the crowd. Even if the Warriors

It’s impossible to administer a burn to Train, as of how moist the air around them is from the hordes of horny wine moms.

Just wanted to comment so I could say I commented on an article commenting on a comment that commented on a comment that commented on a comment that commented on a comment.

To hell with the Space Jam reboot starring Lebron. We need a White Men Can’t Jump reboot starring Curry!

No kidding. What I usually do, and this has always worked, is put the weed in a small ziploc bag, then duck tape around the bag a few times, then put that bag in another bag, then put the whole thing in a third ziploc. Then I stuff it down into a small jar of peanut butter, cut a six inch slit in my stomach just below

I guess this is the only real challenge left for the Warriors: piss off every single ref and play the NBA Finals on “Impossible” mode.

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

Looking forward to the “Who is the oldest person you have ever sexually assaulted?” questions at next year’s combine.

Looks like the experts were right when they said Hunt would never play another meaningful game in the NFL.