
The Bellesa vibrator giveaway is just an email list harvester. I haven’t heard of anyone actually getting a vibrator in the week or so you’ve been listing the deal. Just 30% off coupons.

The Bellesa vibrator giveaway is just an email list harvester. I haven’t heard of anyone actually getting a vibrator

Boogie would agree.

I was looking for one awhile ago and couldn’t find a decent one. The only thing that came close was a device that holds an Apple Keyboard and trackpad together. I’m using a Bluetooth keyboard and my phone or iPad (depending on which one is handy) as the trackpad.

They need to do an article on mail order sites for whiskey & other boozes (for those of us what states allow it, batch). By chance, I joined Flaviar with the free three month trial just before all this started because they had a rye I couldn’t find locally. 

Phew, for a second I thought they were saying you shouldn’t use alcohol while playing with you Joy-Cons.

Dude, you can microwave it at half power for like a minute, minute and a half instead.

Dang, you had to equivocate in your response. I had one of those “joke flying over your head” gifs at the ready.

Did no one else get the callback to the town sign when Alexis & David walked down the aisle together? 

Don’t sorry, it’s his sister!

What I love about Twyla is all the bad stuff that happened which would have led to her being introverted and sad instead still comes up but is what made her into thatvray of sunshine.

There was one very short interview with him in the special. He did do some promotion during the first season. I have a feeling they respected his wishes and didn’t pay for him to do a lot for the special.

Dan Levy’s face during the song was an beautiful piece of acting. As was O’Hara’s with Moira seeing what was happening and stepping back so David could soak it in.

And it was really impressive that they had Patrick actually owned that he was partially responsible for it happening.

He was definitely in the episode but he notoriously hates doing press or any promo type stuff. He did do press early in the show to help promote it but I have a feeling they respectfully let him bow out of the post episode (though he had a one short interview in it).

He’s also eating a sandwich (from the food for the reception?) when the flowers arrive.

Which is made even worse by the fact that he has said (paraphrasing here) that the arc of the show was meant to take a vapid girl and turn he into a confident, trustworthy woman and that it turn out to be Cordelia.

Patrichaving to have one enemy reminds me of the fact that Tom Hanks and Henry Winkler, famously the two nicest, loveliest people in Hollywood (if not the world), absolutely hate each other.

it doesn’t hurt that Stevie looks so damn hot in a suit.

Dan Levy’s read of the “I think you’re my best friend” line killed me.

I love how close to cracking Andre Braugher was at the end when he yelled at Amy to shut up. You can see the laugh starting, especially in his eyes. The fact that they used that take means he must have lost it so many times it was the best they could do. I must see the outakes!