
I used a character that started at SL88 and used Dragonslayer's Greataxe for my first run through. The DLC difficulty doesn't scale up that much between NG and NG+, since it pretty much expects you to have +10 weapons and good stats going in (recommended level is at least SL80).

I plowed through the Dark Souls III DLC, Ashes of Ariandel on release, and have since run through it with another character. I also started a new character, and will be running for my life through the DLC area to grab some of the awesome weapons that are just lying around there and will likely play through the game

If you want a challenge, you should replay Link Between Worlds on Hero Mode, where you take FOUR TIMES the damage. I made a point to bee-line it straight to the Blue Mail since it is almost essential once you get to the Dark World, I mean Lorule.

Dolores is remembering an event involving the MIB we see in the first episode, which unless the show is being very hacky and pulling the wool over our eyes, motivates Dolores to shoot the bandit and wander her way on over to William, which means at the very least the MIB is doing things before the events that involve

I assume the guns the hosts and guests use are the same, and the velocity proprietary technology is just that the bullets slow down when they/the guns detect that they're shooting a host. That doesn't explain knives, and since the MIB seemed to casually throw out the line about slicing the other guy's throat, it just

Everyone seems to hate on Logan, but I feel like his characterization is on point. He's the guy who's revisiting a theme park he's been to many times before, and knows what rides and attractions are great and which are old hat at this point, so his protestations when William would rather schlep around doing the boring

Wasn't that theory put to bed once Dolores met up with William (after having memories of the Man in Black doing something to her)?

His entire character reminds me of one of the overarching ideas of the game Undertale, especially once the player decides to commit to the (entirely unsatisfying) evil route. The game basically treats you as a player that has wrung every last drop from it until all that was left was to burn it all to the ground and

Well one of the nagging questions I have about this show is, how do the guests know for sure who is a host and who is a guest? You'd probably expect there to be firefights that involve bands, both of which contain guests, so there needs to be some failsafe to keep guests from offing each other accidentally.

I remember being intensely disappointed with the ending of ME2, and the story altogether. The Collectors had the potential to be something really interesting (and the whole Assuming Control thing was very cool/creepy), but it all boiled down to the nonsense you described. Comparing that to the conversation with

Probably once you start encountering Mutons, or have magnetic weapons. Honestly I would just go until you feel like you are kind of screwed, what with the Avatar timer and other crap. But it doesn't really matter as long as you feel you know what you did wrong in the early game.

I kind of have an itch to replay XCOM 2, spurred by me watching an LP of it at 1.5x speed (probably the best feature Youtube ever added). I'd have to pick up the DLC that adds the mech squad members too, since they look appropriately badass. The way they retooled the strategic layer of the 2nd game does a lot to

Counterpoint: Play through the first few months on Veteran and then restart. The early game will go so much smoother and you'll be in a much better position to handle the mid and late game with the boons you got by playing well in the early game.

I was very sad to learn that Color Splash was a Wii U title. I had just figured that it was for the 3DS all this time without ever confirming it.

If you have a mouse with adjustable dpi or whatever, you can just crank it up to max and make planet scanning a breeze. That's what I did, at least.

One of these days I'm going to replay San Andreas and just make CJ into a fat slob and see how that goes. I always obsessively max out everything in the gym immediately once I'm given access to it, so Carl goes from a skinny punk to a beefcake in the span of roughly an in-game week.

After cooling a little on Mankind Divided so I can make a more clearheaded judgment, I'll say this: it definitely has improved a lot on the gameplay front. Stealthing around is a lot more interesting with some subtle tweaks. Being able to take down enemies from behind cover is a godsend. I still wish there were more

Regarding prowlers, I thought that as well. I then realized that you can teach a maximum of 1 ability and skill to a cat, and can't forget any of the stuff the cat comes with. So you basically need to keep scouting for cats that have the perfect blend of skills and abilities that you'd like. A good assisting cat has

That one is a doozy. I guess a vague hint is that it's not as hard as it seems. A more specific hint would be: You need to get to the other side, but then you blocked off the exit. So you're only half-done at that point. Also, it gets even more involved once you try to get the 2nd environmental puzzle associated with