Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
I'm actually kind of annoyed I wasn't one of the people who saw it as white and gold before someone told me it was blue and black, because I didn't get to experience the weirdness of seeing the dress "change".
Probably one (or preferrably both) of the Godhands in Godhand.
It's a bit strange that it took this long for someone to say that.
I've been getting 60 FPS in games on PC for years, so it's always jarring to go back to consoles, since 30 FPS was the standard in the past (and a really unreliable standard).
It always felt more natural to me to have the bottom-most button be the one most often hit (aka the "yes") option.
Another thing I wanted to point out but forgot to: a lot of "sprites" in games are actually background objects. Check out this dragon boss from Mega Man 2. That boss is way too big to be an individual sprite, and notice how the rest of the background is black (and how he never intersects with the 3 blocks Mega Man can…
It's worth noting that due to hardware limitations of the NES, Mega Man is actually composed of two different sprites. If you'll look at Simon Belmont up there, you can see he's made out of 3 colors (4, if you include the transparency): tan, earthy orange, and earthy red. Mega Man's body is made out of black, cyan,…
The finisher attacks in Battletoads were always so satisfying to see and hear. That staticy BOOSH noise coupled with the huge fist/boot/horns with the little flash and particle effects always felt really powerful to me.
Jumping into boss doors is as natural as shooting to the rhythm of the music in auto-scrolling segments.
Also remind me to post my Friend Code. (Or does someone still have the link to that Gameological 3DS friend code site?) I'm probably around the same point as you are; I need to go kill Gore Magala next, although I've already fought him twice in gathering hall urgent quests so I might have enough materials for a weapon.
KOTOR was pretty great, but has signature BioWare weird difficulty spikes. I remember getting stuck on one boss encounter for a while until I decided to use every buff item I had to finally take the damn thing down.
It really says something about the game that everyone has a different idea on who the true "main character" is (for me it's probably Ashe).
The game doesn't require you to play as Vaan, though. You can just as easily make a party of Ashe, Bashe, and Balthier (which is what I'll do if/when I ever replay it).
I've been hoping for an FFXII International release on Steam for a while now.
You're not going to figure out how to unlock The Lost on your own. It was a collaborative/ARG style thing. Just look it up (and only play on Hard mode with it if you're going for unlocks).
I've never played through the original Paper Mario, despite owning it on VC. I've been kicking around the notion of replaying The Thousand Year Door, however, which was an amazing game.
Username comment synergy.
One of the positives about the DLC for this game is that you'll still be able to play against the new monsters and hunters, even if you won't be able to play AS them, so the DLC will enrich your gaming experience even if you don't shell out the money for it.
I still think it's insane to sell a multiplayer-centric shooter for 60 dollars. I think there's a single player component, but there's no story mode or campaign or anything.