
EDIT: That felt mean. Sorry.

I have a job and am a productive member of society you nitwit. Back to your young socialists club in your mom’s basement.

Feels like you don’t actually care about helping others and you just want to feel better about yourself on the internet.


Wait, why do you get to decide what you owe others, but we don’t?

Um, how is it stupid?

You’re talking about us not caring about others. What do you do for them? Bitch at people on the internet?

What do you give, out of curiosity?

Enjoying my tax cut.

What about self-gratification?

Did you stop paying attention to Barack Obama?

I feel we have a large influx of illegal immigrants. Apologies for the confusion. But please, don’t conflate legal immigration with undocumented immigration. I think you’re well aware of the difference, but its a rhetorical tool I find tiresome.

We are obviously not one. Who wants to live in a world without differences?

SO you’re disappointed in Democrats for not taking the DACA/Wall deal?

What would you suggest?

Controlled immigration, certainly. The US has everything to gain from trained immigrants willing to assimilate into our culture and contribute to society.

You support border security?

Do you even understand why you want immigrants yourself?

Why do you guys hate border security so much?