
Oh fuck off. How many months have you guys been calling Trump Hitler?

He’s really not that bad.

It’s how they identify who to fire next

None of this is important. Half the comics mentioned are being cancelled because nobody cares.

LOL half this list is SJW drama.

Was he disappeared after the speech?

Eat it.

So...50/50 chance it’s either Bernie Bros or black students looking for attention.

Doesn’t really feel like we’re worse off.

Good candidate for SI swimsuit issue.

At least I’m not wrong, champ.

So basically you can’t actually think of anything.

Yeah, I’m sure that Russia, Iran, North Korea, and the rest of the shit-holes are ecstatic over our economic growth and energy independence. They got us right where they want us! ;)

Selling weapons to Ukraine, boosting domestic fossil fuel production, blowing up al-Assad’s air force...

What is Trump doing for Russia?

Racism is the default for everybody. It’s like stupidity: inherent in the human condition.

Around blacks

I feel that if you had a choice between a ticket to Haiti and a ticket to the US, you’d probably choose the US.

I guess you could say that being fat is unhealthy.

But you won’t fight I bet.