
FUCK hugs at work. Fuck all that. You’re my co-worker, that’s it. MAYBE if we’ve workde together 30 years and accomplished something incredible, MAYBE.

My major issue with this show is it’s just Kids for Gen Z.


Let’s be real, the overlap of true Blues fans and Cardinals fans is scant. I’m sure there’s plenty of Blues “fans” today but I guarantee you in the mid aughts those “fans” were probably in a bar somewhere seeing real Blues fans watch the playoffs and probably said something like “why you watching that shit? Put the

If you are female and/or black, be prepared for the internet to be VERY upset when you’re happy about achieving something.

Cubans, like many Republican voters, will consistently vote against their own interests.  They’re more like Russians than they are other minorities in this country.

We need more than just kids playing in the street. Those kids playing in the streets in other countries do it to refine their skills in the hopes of getting into and advancing through local academies, who are tied to bigger local clubs, where kids can get noticed by bigger clubs and so on. We simply need more

At NYCFC games when they score, they play the subway horn and flash the lights sequentially (like a train moving down the tracks).  Yes it’s a baseball stadium but it’s a pretty awesome ‘Murrican way to celebrate goals.

On the women’s side there is likely another player or two just on the cusp of taking a national player’s position. On the men’s side, who’s the clear better option over Michael effing Bradley? Or Jozy? Or Yedlin?  It’s so sad - there’s no real pipeline on the men’s side so most of those guys have cushy-ass job

En masse, yes, but that’s because Boston has always been a town full of assholes.

If all you ever depict is rape as something extremely violent, brutal, graphic, and crazy, then you undermine the other various and frequent types of sexual assault.  There’s a lot of rape that isn’t bloody, at gunpoint, or ultra-violent.  Yet we seem to only accept rape as a black and white violent crime.  This makes

You already know the answer to that.  In case you need a little push, here’s one word: midichlorians.

I wasn’t looking to dunk on this game but everything before this just “felt” off, purely off of speculation but we’ve seen enough shenanigans over the last 2-3 years with big budget games, some using very expensive and popular IP (e.g. Star Wars), that are simply big shiny turds. They’re not really “games” anymore.

As a Braves fan I’ll always remember ‘99 because the media (the dang media!) was trying SO hard to make Ventura’s “grand slam single” in game 5 of the NLCS a thing for the ages, especially after the players celebrated like they won the fucking World Series.

If a corporation is willing to use LGBTQ+ causes as a way to make money or push good PR about themselves, great! Nothing gets taken away from the cause itself.

Because Prison Mike let them out.

Reading - it’s tough!

Wait they asked the DRIVERS to inform the people? FUCK THAT noise. First off, that’s not their job.

No, we’d just get Chernobyl 2: Ego Boogaloo.

If you are waiting around for the “perfect” types of people to be vocal against the horrible people in this country and think anything else should shut up and go away, I would suggest picking out your handmaiden bonnet size now.