Chuck P

The Luke Wilson I have in my mind, the one I’ve cobbled together from years of watching him in movies and TV...he’s actually that guy! I love it.

“Our test audience found the people in the basement depressing, so now it’s Pete Davidson hanging out down there after he lost a bet with his frat brothers.”

“Geek.” - Socrates


[Air Guitar]




I have a theory that every character Starr has ever played is the same person at different stages of their life.

My favorite part was that when it came down to it, it was Gilfoyle who trusted Dinesh to do the right thing.

I have to mention Bill Hader, Sarah Goldberg and Stephen Root. They play some of the most difficult roles on TV and always manage to nail the impossible complexities of their characters. Hader can do so much without saying a word. Root’s work in the scenes where Fuches has to lure Barry into a trap to save his own

Those don’t even crack the top 10. For one, there’s no mention of the sweet Laurel Canyon sound...

Best of the Decade: Anything by Sean O’Neal, Scott Tobias, Keith Phipps, Tasha Robinson, Nabin, Noel Murray, Donna Bowman, Genevieve Koski, and the rest of the OGs.

Honestly, ending the movie with Jesse behind the wheel of a car with the crime/violence in his past and nothing but a question mark ahead of him left me thinking “what was the point? That’s the exact status the finale left us with.”

I guess we’re supposed to assume that the punishment he got from the nazis was enough to cure the guilt that prevented him from leaving before.

I was fine with Plemons’ weight because he’s so good at playing psychos, he stepped right back into Todd. One of the best parts of the movie was him cruising and jamming out to soft rock, it struck me as a (maybe unplanned) echo of Walter rocking out to “A Horse With No Name.” Maybe the distance between you and Meth

I’ll say “yes” to the “is Jesse different?” question - but it is a matter of degrees.

Nah, they held Krysten Ritter until exactly the right moment. If they’d used her as some sort of guardian angel or something along the way, it would’ve felt cheap, and that payoff at the end wouldn’t have packed as much of a punch.

Badger and Skinny Pete are amazing friends.