
Some people claim that the statement “Black Lives Matter” really means “Black Lives Matter, TOO”. However, this is open to interpretation, because the “Too” was not included and is not said.

Claiming that “Black Lives Matter” really means “ONLY Black Lives Matter” is just as valid as claiming that it means “Black Lives Matter, Too” - each interpretation adds a word that refines the statement.
Without a modifier to specify intent, “Black Lives Matter” means exactly that - “Black Lives Matter”; it doesn’t

It’s amusing - this article serves as one of the countless examples that prove that “white” people DO, indeed, face discrimination, prejudice and racism. Thanks for proving yourself wrong! Moron.

wow, fuck this

FALSE, more “white” people are killed by police than “blacks”

racist fuck.

lol I’m not misinterpreting shit. It’s literally the name of the movement, you poor racist fuck. “Black Lives Matter” excludes white, brown, tan, red, yellow, and any other lives that are not “black”. “ALL Lives Matter” INCLUDES.... ALL lives.
Seriously, do you not understand the meaning of these words or what the

um. you’re full of shit. a higher PERCENTAGE of “blacks” may be killed by police, but MORE “whites” are killed by police.

sorrynotsorry, I don’t like dealing with racist cunts like you and have a kneejerk reaction to reading your bullshit excuses for your racism.

more “black” citizens are arrested for violent crimes. that doesn’t mean that “a higher percentage of the Black population are shot by police compared to the percentage of the White population”, that means a higher percentage of the “black” population are ARRESTED FOR VIOLENT CRIMES compared to the percentage of the

why the fuck would “black” lives not be included in saying “all lives matter”? do you not understand what the word “ALL” means? what the fuck? you’re the troll, jackass racist fuck!

lmfao, I never said “acknowledging that racism exists is the real racism”, you retarded sack of shit. I don’t support or defend any sort of supremacy. Sorry but anyone can be racist - and you clearly are. dumb racist cunt.

Tamir Rice was resisting arrest and died from a heart attack.

Breonna Taylor was killed because her boyfriend OPENED FIRE on police officers... they responded and unfortunately she was killed in the crossfire.

piss off, racist cunt!

fuck you, racist cunt!

‘Black Lives Matter’ is a racist domestic terrorist organization. I hope you and every racist fuck supporting it rots to death on Earth and burns in the fires of hell for eternity.

“All Lives Matter” includes “black” lives - and, well, “all” lives. Duh.
“Black Lives Matter” excludes any lives that are not “black”. Again, duh.
So yes, saying “Black Lives Matter” IS racist, saying “All Lives Matter” includes... ALL LIVES.... holy fuck you racist assholes are dumb as fuck.

Being a white male doesn’t matter nearly as much as being a racist sexist hypocritical cunt, which you clearly are, fuckwad.

You’re fucking retarded, cunt.