
Wow. More men are raped in the USA than women, so kindly go fuck yourself, because YOU are missing the point, you sexist, racist fuck.

Fuck you racist cunt bitch.

thing is though, the disparity is the OPPOSITE. dumbass.

Well lets see. Are “black” lives included in “all”? Clearly. “All lives matter” is inclusionary of ALL people. “Black lives matter” excludes anyone not “black”. I’m not trolling, I’m simply telling racists such as yourself: Go fuck yourself, racist fuck.

Incorrect. The FBI has stated that ~152k “black” people are arrested for violent crimes per year, while ~237k “white” people are arrested for violent crimes per year.

This is true. However, the FBI has stated that ~152k “black” people are arrested for violent crimes per year, while ~237k “white” people are arrested for violent crimes per year.

You are a retarded cunt.

Wow. Your racism is showing, and it ain’t pretty.
Way to falsely accuse someone of “white supremacy” when you’re clearly supporting “black supremacy”, hypocritical fool.

They are being profiled at a much higher rate because they are committing crime at a much higher rate.


NO. YOU are the problem, you hypocritical, disgusting racist!

More “white” civilians are killed by police than “black” civilians. When to they get highlighted?

Have some respect, understanding and intelligence. Criticizing someone for stating that all lives matter equally means you are prejudicial and racist - therefor, YOU should be the one to get out of here with YOUR bullshit.

It’s statistically more likely for a “white” civilian to be shot by a “black” police officer than it is for a “black” civilian to be shot by a “white” police officer. But you don’t encounter people saying “WHITE Lives Matter”.

Get out of here with YOUR bullshit, you despicable racist!

Piss off, you racist fck!

This is fucking retarded. You should be ashamed of yourself. Fuck you.

You sexist bitch.

why the fuck would someone want to “put on” “blackness”? Oh yea... probably because of the privileges and benefits society awards “blacks”, like welfare, affirmative action, getting preferential treatment and entry into colleges and workplaces... yet y0u hypocritical racist fucks whine about “white privilege” as if

brazen act of whiteness? you racist fuck.