

Really? You think the average adult can drink just shy of 4 beers, wait 20 minutes, hop in a car, get pulled over, and still be legal?

0.089 is not "intoxicated". One beer and most adults will be at or above 0.08. That's why I don't mess with it. If I'm driving, I'm not drinking. If my driver has been drinking, I'm calling a cab. I'm just saying that the BAL part isn't as bad as it sounds.


Your language violates the legality of these searches.

Irreconcilable differences? Poppycock!

Because blaming people is the American way!

So much for innocent until proven guilty.

Perhaps we should save the righteous finger pointing until the details of the accident are sorted out. It could be a she. Also, he/she might not have had their hazard lights on. He/she might have been texting. He/she might have fallen asleep at the wheel. He/she might have been one of the fatalities. Our

For me, it's gotta be Spinelli's Ferrari 308 —> Michelotto rally replica story.


So..umm..about roller blading...

Right you are, Watson!

Actually, that last part isn't true. Recent studies have shown that having a conversation over the phone while driving is very different from having a conversation with someone physically in the car with you.

The critical failure in your logic is the "so long as it does not prevent him from doing his job" part. It is simply a fact that the distraction from cell phones causes accidents. It just does. There's no arguing that.

Ok, we obviously disagree on some things, and that's fine. But specifically regarding this issue, why should this be an individual state issue? It isn't a threat that changes from state to state. Cell phones don't become less distracting when I cross from Ohio into Kentucky. Drivers in California aren't magically


I know there are some in the audience who will bang the drum of personal freedom, no government regulation, etc, but this is just common sense. We all share the road. As such, we all share a responsibility to minimize the risk of driving on said road.

I agree with you on the point of your argument, but by definition, once you have accelerated and are moving at a constant speed, the accelerometer in your phone doesn't know if you are driving 100mph or standing still. This won't work.