
In the initial google beta sign up site, I unchecked ‘send me news and other promotions...’ That probably just sent my request to google’s trash-bin.

I’d argue he’s good at it.  He’s determined that the risk, not of being caught, but of anyone actually doing fuck all about it, is very low.  So he can continue to trot out the same tired excuse for holding stocks to make more money whilst being in blatant conflict of interest and nothing will happen.  He might be the

Didn’t this guy also have ties to a Russian bank linked to Putin? I can’t recall because it’s been such a shitshow since Trump was elected, but I believe Ross had/has some connection there that I can’t quite recall.

My aunt got that toaster oven and she broke her shoulder.

My aunt got that toaster oven and she broke her shoulder.

“Listen Kyrie, I think it’s great that you’re curious about the world and learning about things outside of basketball. Here’s the thing though—there’s a lot of stuff on YouTube that’s just flat out false and conspiracy theories aren’t held to the same intellectual rigor as scientific texts...”

Lebron James, in so many ways, seems like an incredible net positive for the world.

I could never have imagined it when he was being profiled by ESPN when he was like 15 or 16 and I was watching it after school. It’s incredible.

No snark: He seems like a good dad. 

Well a prophylactic recall turned me into parent

This has always been one of those games that I was like... I want to play it, but not enough to pay for it.

This has always been one of those games that I was like... I want to play it, but not enough to pay for it.

How do I know you’re a real physician and not some con artist?

We have plenty to insult about this woman other than her appearance.

I’m sure if he comes on here, he’ll be really moved by the thread about how his cry for help is “well, actually” just him being a manipulative jerk (proven of course by the guy who would have the most knowledge about this -- some fucking dude.)

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

As someone who suffers from BPD so has some insight I suggest you do some research before you start flapping your gums about something you know nothing about

Goddamn it!!! When is this witch hunt going to stop finding all these witches?

This is so sad. How horrible that people would put the idea of suicide into her head. Concepts such as suicide shouldn’t even be in the thoughts of a nine year old.

This girl had such a spark of joy inside of her. She was young, beautiful, loved to play with dolls, and dreamed of being a scientist someday. She chose her friends based on their individual qualities and not their races. THIS IS THE TYPE OF HUMAN BEING THAT WE NEED MORE OF IN THIS WORLD but no, the opposite happened.

I hope to god she doesn’t lose her job. This poor woman, her poor baby. Fucking NYPD has pushed this woman to the brink of an already precarious position. Where is the outcry? Where’s the mayor? 

what does boot leather taste like?

<Re-watches video>....holy fuck you’re right, that IS Danny Woodhead!!!!