
Couldn’t agree with you more on the acceleration. I’m terrified of every soccer mom driving an SUV / CUV that can do 0-60 in 4 seconds while she’s facing the rear seat screaming at Grayson, Jayden, Kayden, and Fayden. We really need to return to a time when purpose built sports cars were the only terrifyingly fast

Sigh. Can we stop pretending that corporations are our friends? Consolidation at the level we see from these huge companies is bad.

Good. One less live service money pit to watch die a slow death. I’m glad that they could acknowledge that this was going to hurt their bread and butter single player games and made the right call.

Goddamn fucking psychopaths. I also have no doubt there were plenty of warning signs these guys were a menace to society.

I have three PS5s and two Series Xes...

You definitely have never had to face liquidating all your parents worked for to get them basic care when they are old.

Oh is a black character about to be introduced and then die in some tragic way solely to inform/advance Ellie and/or Joel’s character arcs? That’s threatening to be a pattern with this show now.

100%, but also South Dakota, Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas are all on the express lane to outlaw facts, science, empathy and compassion.


It’s either this or Imposterism.

This is unusually deep for Lifehacker. I was expecting a slideshow.

Stupidity is rocket fuel for fascism.

Yes, The Replacements!  Where is it?

Couldn’t disagree more with Rudy being #1, but I know I’m in the minority so I can accept it. HOWEVER, how do you completely leave off Necessary Roughness?

To stop playing any game I’m not enjoying, rather than pushing through to the end.

I can’t tell if this is satire or not. I understand the general pessimistic attitude, but everyone is now responsible for their own financial well being in retirement (at least in the states). Gone are the days of pensions and social security covering for you. You, and you alone, must save up enough money. It’s scary

Where’s the horror movie about websites making articles into slideshows? That would be the most chilling one of them all.

Or corporate profits have to come down. Nobody ever brings that up.

Yeah, no. Wages have nothing to do with inflation and have not, for 50 years. Wages have NOT kept up with inflation for decades.

I feel like gamers just have too many options nowadays. There’s a lot of bits of specific language in this review - checking your phone while watching the pre-duel cutscene, audibly sighing when cresting a hill and seeing more things to do, “The layer of Japanese aesthetics barely hides the fact that the world is just