Trump is a symptom. McConnell is a virus.
Trump is a symptom. McConnell is a virus.
As much as it pains me to say this it is even more important to remove people like Moscow Mitch from office than Trump. Trump is dangerous but Mitch is 10x as dangerous.
And the local GOP as well.
We "the blacks" need to keep this up by registering AND voting our best interests on November 3rd!! Get that orange bastard and his cronies out of office!!
To understand the irony they would need to have empathy.
Isn’t it amazing how the reaction to saying black lives matters always affirms the reason to do so.
“If you would’ve asked me a week ago if any of this would come to Bethel, I would’ve said never,” Bethel Police Chief Steve Teague told reporters. “I’m still kind of in shock of it being here.”
This. “Antifa! Antifa! Antifa!” and NOT ONE WORD to condemn this shit.
Whewwww, as the luscious byproduct of an interracial romance, I can honestly say I love that my mere existence supremely *bothers* those who look down their nose at said interracial relationships. Funny thing is the same men who are so rabidly racist are the largest consumers of interracial porn. I love that the sex…
I say dox them back. Come on internet. Don’t let me down.
Reaffirming the prevailing attitude of “As long as I am/my people are good, fuck everyone else.”
Insanely terrifying movie as a kid. Or, right after watching Mac and Me.
Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
dontchokeonyourwoke is a radical right-wing troll who sits on this site all day posting and linking right-wing sites. Do NOT engage.
Fam... please stop entertaining dontchokeonyourwoke. I shouldn’t have to say why. Dismiss on sight.
No human language exists that can fully and accurately express my loathing of this failed abortion.
Whataboutism. Well, that was fast.
Whataboutism. What a surprise.
Kids in cages not good enough for you? Rise is Nazism and racial assaults neither?? Nor full frontal fascism and collaborating with established hostile nations? Complete disregard for the Constitution?