
The Costco sized tub of mayonnaise is going to the HOF. Book it

Peterman (H1): 6-14 for 66, 0TD, 5INT. Rating: 17.9.

He’s an average to above average qb at a good price. Why they’ve insisted on fucking with him for two seasons is beyond me.

As a Bills fan, I hope Tyrod gets to go to a functioning franchise next year. He’s the best quarterback we’ve had in 20 years and we don’t deserve him. The amount of shit he has to deal with from the insanely racist fanbase is disgusting. I can’t wait for McDermott to shit the bed again next year and get flushed down

McDermott is your classic red-assed footbaw coaching chud, that was a decent coordinator, but should never have had him and his camo hat put in charge of an entire team. That he and the GM want to install a statuesque white quarterback to stand in the pocket and play football like it’s 1992 again is as predictable as

Gays Overcompensating Poorly

It’s going to look our present from my past.

“this new dialogue in america upsets my way of life and thinking, i better get drunk and rant on facebook”

I love zoos. Always have.

I am going for the “Any Responsible Adult 2020" ticket.

“we’re not in it just to win the election. We’re in it to win community”

I did feel vaguely queasy the whole time I was browsing it. You know that thing that Splinter does where they post long strings of snarky woke tweets from liberal celebrities that re-enforce their position on a given issue? Well, Breitbart does the same thing, but with tweets from their favorite conservative talking

The gun “debate,” inasmuch as it ever actually took place, is over. We lost. The occasional mass slaughter of innocent men, women, and children is just the occasional price we pay.

In this instance, there was an armed citizen nearby that opened fire on the shooter stopping his massacre as he fled soon after. I know this because every hardcore gun-rights person I know has splattered this report all over their social media. All you’re going to hear from that particular type of person is how more

My favorite is the coal miners now refusing retraining and job placements because “THE COAL IS COMING BACK! TRUMP SAID SO!”

It’s not dude and you and just cut your nose of to blah blah blah

Cranston’s heart is in the right place, I can’t condemn him when I know he’s not a Trumptard or even a conservative.

He’s right, in a way. Trump’s ascendance was bad for America but so will be his downfall.

“The owners of capital—the investors and executives of companies like Aetna, for example—are huge winners in our broken capitalist system.”

Dan Snyder is the first link behind JJ in the human centipede.

This entire ordeal is pretty complicated, but I’m glad that we can all find common ground in saying “fuck the Cowboys.”