
Does this show that high income taxes cause great economic growth? Not necessarily.

Are you only just discovering that there are swear words on Lifehacker

True he’s not helping, but punishing the child, and the father by punishing the child, is just abysmally wrong. Gee, let’s start bringing in the kids of repeat offenders and torturing them, maybe that will help. Can hardly believe this story.

....Or at least don’t sit in the upper level. With all the alcohol consumption, it doesn’t take much for something flare up.

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

Exactly. Everyone is so concerned about “I’ll save $474 in taxes. Woohoo - new TV!” or “Bill Gates will be paying only $7.8 million in taxes - Boo!” that they are ignoring what those taxes pay for. Tax cuts are only feasible if spending cuts go right along with it. We are TRILLIONS in debt as a nation..and no one

Can’t star this enough. Where are those deficit hawks?!? Didn’t we have a budget surplus before the Bush tax cuts? Aren’t these tax cuts going to increase our deficit by over a TRILLION dollars?

Don’t forget the followup to the tax cuts - oh wow, now the deficit has exploded, we have no choice now but to cut health care, unemployment benefits, or anything else that benefits mainstream America.

You are an idiot. It’s no crime to be an idiot, lord knows you can’t help it. The problem is you are an idiot who is projecting. Stop doing that. It makes you look like an imbecile instead of merely an idiot. Plus it’s annoying to the rest of us.

Im pretty sure Trump nominated her because he thinks she’s Claire Danes,

gotta love the woke internet trend of grating, smarmy passive-aggression instead of just telling someone to fuck off like a normal person, my dude. you be you my dude

Nope, Rothschilds.

The more concerning aspect of this story (and most of the others concerning Trump) is that there are millions of Americans that will now adopt this belief. Republicans and conservatives have already been primed for decades to distrust and dislike any media that says something they don’t like. Trump’s latest fascist

The U.S. fell to Trinidad & Tobago last night, and will not compete in the 2018 World Cup.

All of the Cowboys wives/girlfriends just invested heavily in American flag apparel.

I doubt it was the Kardashian watchers; my money says those didn’t vote. It was the Megyn Kelly watchers.

“How many kindergarteners have to die before the gun sucking NRA flunkies will take action?”

If you offer prayers for these victims but are unwilling to consider any meaningful changes to how America regulates guns, you are a POS. Hiding behind Jesus to avoid honestly confronting the ways you harm your fellow humans makes you a hypocrite and a bigger POS.

There’s money to be made in selling guns. That money is more important than any number of innocent lives. If there’s a god, all the GOP members should burn in hell.

All the stars for you!