Now playing

Even adults with decent reaction times could potentially be hurt by a ball like the one Frazier hit.

Seriously. I’ve been obsessively checking all updates I can find on her condition. I can respect her parents wishes for privacy, but I’m as concerned as if she were my own child.

Outside of the finger-pointing that follows sad episodes like this, my first thought is for the welfare of the child and hoping this is not a life changing event for the worse.

“Safety nets are for losers.” - Sens. Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy

Well? Are great again, yet?

Considering “find my phone” is used in my household on an almost daily basis I’m going to have to risk it.

The streets do not “belong” to the police. If you normalize that concept, you’re opening a door that becomes very hard to close.

The only time weed ever made me puke came courtesy of a gravity bong. I’m surprised I didn’t fall down and hit my head during my feeble attempts to walk during that head trip.

From: Robert

I agree and that’s actually what I was trying to say. Whatever the penalty in games suspended for the hit, that penalty can only be served beginning AFTER injured player is cleared.

Football is dying. We’re going to look back on this period in a few decades and realize it was already over.

I don’t know, the male lions stay home and sleep all day, while the female lions do all the hunting, sound like USA soccer to me.

Well, Simba became king because of who his dad was too.

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

Please forgive my rant.


“special kind of stupid”

What baffles me even more is the white bread and mayonnaise eating motherfuckers that think someone like Bannon and his boy Don really give a fuck about them? I don’t think rich people are really looking out for me, even if they agree with me on some politics. You gotta be a special kinda stupid to believe Bannon

I know there will be those that will play the “Darwin” card and while this was foolish a 16-year-old kid is dead. That’s a bummer no matter the circumstance.