“Incompetence You Can Depend On”
“Incompetence You Can Depend On”
Right the comment section is already filling up with burner trolls.
I am a member of the AFL-CIO and it has literally saved my livelihood if not my life. There would be no American middle class, which is now being so efficiently dismantled, without the organized labor movement.
I like how the site he wants to preserve is where one of his “heroes” went to hide like a chicken.
Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.
Meh. Every state would do the same thing. There have been multiple disasters and everyone picks up and rebuild. Has nothing to do with Texas. I cannot stand people who think their state is somehow better than everyone else’s it’s so asinine. Texans and New Yorkers might be the two worst about it.
The cryptoracists of the Southern Tier can stay home and alphabetize the “Repeal the SAFE Act” and “FUAC” signs in front of their rusted shanties.
Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.
This is really starting to piss me off. There is a proven NFL starter, proven playoff winning QB out there and no team will look at because of his outspoken beliefs. #Tebowblackball
I mean what do you want them to do Samer? It’s not like 29 year old QBs with Super Bowl experience are just sitting around unsigned in late August. These are the simply the options available that ownership feels comfortable with.
Unions are just better for people. It’s why employers spend billions trying to smear and defeat them.
As someone who lost their hair in their mid-20s, you’re better off just owning it. Confidence. Women love confidence. Growing up I would look at people with comb-overs and whatever else to hide their baldness, and would tell myself, “If that ever happened to me I would shave my head immediately.” Of course the cruel…
While he may be wrong about the players I’m pretty sure he’s right about the owners.
Okay, this has to stop. It’s not up to pop culture websites, social media, or people you encounter in the real world to not spoil plot elements to things you are interested in. If it matters that much to you, stay current with the show, or, I don’t know, avoid pop culture websites and social media until you catch up.
Understated and poignant. Probably the best comment on this article.
Donald Trump is the worst.
but their speech is still protected
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It’s not slippery at all. That man should now have been allowed to buy/own guns. See? Simple.