
So, Mnuchin illegally kicks widows out of their homes so he can get rich off the suffering of others, bribes his way out of being brought up on charges, exploits loopholes to pay as little taxes as possible, defends the President’s comments equating Nazis and those who protest against Nazis, and now his wife is

The confederacy is treason, responsible for the most destructive war in American history. We got off relatively easy in the World Wars. The confederacy is emblematic of the enslavement and oppression of millions of human beings over hundreds of years. This is not open for debate and negotiation is not possible. No

It boggles my mind how Nazi shit is legal in america under the 1st amendment.
For real. The argument is SO STUPID. “Oh it’s a slippery slope, if you ban nazi stuff, what’s next? The bible?”
No, you fucking idiot. You can LITERALLY stop at NAZI SHIT. It’s illegal in many other countries and they stopped at it. Here in

I don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly awaiting the rollout of this $1 trillion infrastructure proposal. Any shitty road in mind you’d like to see overhauled?

Sorry I gave that impression. No, I meant both extremes. While I’m sure some far-right wingnuts take it as such, I don’t think the most socialist planks of the left right now - single-payer healthcare - are anywhere near as close to communist dystopia as the GOP’s actual policies are to legit fascist dictatorship.

It’s easy. This poor white male thinks he’s persecuted by political movements that seek to limit his ability to legally discriminate against, harrass, oppress, or subject to hate speech anyone who is different than him, ethnically, politically, theologically, or on the Kinsey scale. How can America be about freedom

That loud, wet, BRAAAAAAP farting sound you hear is our credibility as a nation disappearing into thin air. Our credibility with our allies, our credibility with our enemies, our credibility with our own citizens. Yes, that balloon’s been leaking for decades, but it was hissing out of a series of pinhole leaks, and

Even with Trump on the ballot, millennial turnout was 46 percent. It was 60 percent or higher for other age groups. Talk is just talk. Until millennials get off their asses and fucking vote, nothing will change.

Or they were the popular kid in high school/star athlete in a small town and can’t figure out why their life peaked at 17. Someone else must be to blame for all their failures, etc. etc.

The internet.

A good, long while ago, I read that the definition of an ‘-ism’ is ‘a distinction based on a trait’, which serves as a good benchmark for behavior. And honestly, with the lack of damn near ANYTHING productive being done since this goddamn nightmare started, and with the proliferation of racist attitudes, words, and

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

If it weren’t for the standard of pay and benefits set by the UAW, these remote auto workers would get squat and be medically retired at 40ish years old with crippling injuries and syndromes.

This is an insane interpretation.

When they were testing the severity of Tannehill’s injury they decided to apply just a little pressure. He collapsed to the ground immediately. So everything seems normal to me.

“I understand that domestic violence is a terrible problem, but in no way does that apply to Matt and me.”

Valid point — a car salesperson has no business talking down to anybody, and that’s not only because it’s rude, but also because it’s patently bad for business.

God that picture has been haunting me all day.