
Reply to promote

Ok, but does this give me a wave of adrenalin after I make the "shot" in anticipation of what comes to follow? Or will it give me delicious delicious food to feed me and my family (ok, mostly me)?

I prefer the classic tupperware citrus peelers. They have been around for decades and work fantastic.

Is eula-izer(sp?) still out there? It looks through the text wall and highlights any nasty bits if it finds any.

Head on demand, DO WANT.

I wonder how many people just measured their dicks upon reading this article?

Oh, how I wish I could promote you a second time...

Hey... what the - My wallet is mysteriously empty, it was full just a minute ago.

I believe in this case, it'd be pro boner.

Maybe a bit like rainbows?

She survived? How the fuck does that work?

No, I purchased it here in the states a number of times. Came out about 4-ish years ago, it was the company's first product. It was actually tasty, and it seems like it dropped off the face of the earth.

Does anyone know what happened to the original Four that had the wormwood oil in it?

I believe a "snatch trap" is something completely different.

They actually brought it back, its in open beta right now

So its like Tribes? After a little bit of learning you are flying all over the place.


Follow up will be split branded - XX and XY; one for Men, one for Women.

It's not a Ferrari.