
What is Ben-to

Just make sure you don't grab one with a half-price sticker without being prepared.

They have since sent another(I got two) email retracting that release date; the new release date is unknown according to the email.

...you have a yummy snack?

Now playing

I never knew that there was a TED talk on this. I have been showing the actual correct way to tie your shoes to many at my workplace for quite some time.

bad form dude...

It's one of the extremely few beers I can drink without getting a crazy headache (some allergic reaction methinks).

Quite true... Even Thousand Islands park - which is next to a paper mill - has some great sights.

Yay, it looks like I'll be able to watch the NFL draft after all!

I guess they need to change their slogan from "*Happy cows come from California" to *Mad cows

That got me laughing like I had lost a squeaker.

Keep in mind what day it is.

Fixed for you

Now they just need to make that thing Wider Bigger Cheaper Longer

I have to say, I chuckled quite a bit when I saw this (In case of nibbles: [i.imgur.com] )

Awesome, but he drives a freaking Yaris. . .

You NEED to play it again to see the final minigame. It is amazing, much better than floating down the river.

This is amazing, however I was saddened that I needed to kill one of my friends near Albuquerque after being bitten. My other friends escaped with a few broken bones, fevers, cholera and typhoid. I mysteriously never fell ill, even though I braved the zombie hordes numerous times to scavenge for those elusive

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