
I know you can move them.. I'm looking to place things in particular arrangement. In Morrowind it was based off of the direction you were facing - worked quite well.

I have started a pile of books in one corner; I'm hoping to get a vast library one day. I started my hoarding in Morrowind as you can see (just a sample).

I believe these are the pixels you are looking for.

FYI, your buddy = insane

Quite enjoyable, not as badass though.

Right where it should be...

Now playing

Hey, its a step away from a mini mobile virtual presence device.

There is only one real answer

Look a bit lower, someone posted it.

Have you not seen the Abarth commercial??

Just calling it now... this is going to be called a greensink. Like a heatsink...but for green.

I just used an online translator... so not overly. I figured Nords are close enough to Norse (no offense if anyone is Norwegian) and it sounds like it fits. Then I chose a country that is close to Norway just as Cyrodiil is close to Skyrim.

The character I'm playing mostly. An Imperial female that goes by the name Risti (Finnish for dagger). I plan on mainly going through the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood missions. For her I am using a keyboard/mouse scheme.

I have created a female Imperial to be an assassin for thieves guild and dark brotherhood. I also have created a male Nord to do the main quest. I am planning to use keyboard/mouse for my Imperial, and a 360 controller for my Nord to get both experiences.

"I can't do it...I'm dying"

Iron Man over here, no regret other than them being an inch too short from being perfectly comfy.

They mentioned in the live stream for ICS that the face unlock feature was to be noted as beta, and not fully secure. Its more of a proof of concept than anything.

I think I need to watch this movie now.

Hi face unlock, nice to meet you!