
Nothin' like a little Global Thermonuclear War to wind down from a long day at work.

I thought that release date was for tomorrow...

Nothing is quite as satisfying as ninja-grabbing a fruit fly out of the air... At least when it comes to pest eradication.


Wow, you must be a blast at parties...

You are obviously not from WI. *sigh* Move along, nothing to see here.

Just in case my confession doesn't reach the council, here it is publicly:

Super jerky you say?

I wants me some!

Talking bout bringing up a family? So I guess the hot coffee is included this time around.

Is that a turbo sticking out of your hood, or are you just happy to see me?

Creating a shortcut to the tools folder for adb, then using right-click -> "open command window here" saves a ton of time if you use adb frequently.

I think we need to settle this once and for all... 1v1 The best Mouse/Keyboard player vs the best Controller player. My money would be on good ole WASD...but then again, I'm biased.

No love for the V-Storm? I guess the wing on the Atom put it over the top...

But will it tell you if you've dropped off your pace by over 9000s?

The V-Storm from SDR. Central drive, open wheels, good mileage, nice looks... what else is there to ask for?


Upgraded and switched to the Gnome-Shell today. I definitely agree that it is quite a bit better than Unity. Just need to get something to tweak the themes. Very happy with the upgrades.

Is it Lupus? Is it Lupus?!?

Bwhaaa?!? This is beyond awesome. Even better than shots checkers, you actually live to see the end of the game if you lose.