
At the risk of derailing the thread before it starts: Lost.

True Detective season 4 casting prediction: Michael Keaton

Something related to him “not saying it’s true, but just asking the question.”

Warriors Investigators Ask To Whom Bell Tolls

Oh sure. Now he’s against release.

I do not want to see Robert Kraft given a blowjob, but I do want to live in a world where the video of Robert Kraft getting a blowjob is widely available.

I’ve done the Surfliner and the Coaster down there too, and if the timing is right, it actually does make sense.

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

They also removed their Google+ post.

also obligatory.


This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

Seems like you share in his opinions.

When this man’s private emails expose his opinions and thoughts and colour his decisions about how he spends hundreds of millions on electioneering and twisting freedom of the press to suit his purposes, it is not wrong to expose them. If your poor old granddad has had more lucid days, we can let that slide, but not

Sure, and everyone else is now equipped to make an informed decision about giving the guy any money, now that his opinions are known. 

“Hail to the Redskins/Hail victory/Braves on the warpath/Fight for old Dixie!”

No one was bringing “an ‘Obama 2012' sign to a suburban basketball game in 2014" because there would have been absolutely no context for it. It didn’t happen (and wouldn’t have happened) as it would have literally MADE NO SENSE to bring a political banner to a HIGH SCHOOL basketball game.

Nah, you mad