
From their Wikipedia entry:

They are awesome to see live.

The directive refers almost entirely to activities in support of a political party or candidate. In my opinion, knowing nothing further of the context this seems little different than carrying a MOLON LABE or a Gadsden flag on your plate carrier.

Questionable. A raised fist is a fairly common gesture and could be associated with many things. I have a hard time seeing this as a partisan political activity. A better parallel would be if they made the peace sign while in uniform, also common and could be associated with any number of things. Can anyone see a

Seriously, there is a crowd like a medium sized dinner party by the end, so it is best to limit invited guests to the absolute minimum. For our first one we had asked my parents to be there for some reason. For the second and third we kept it to just the two of us.

Dunno, metric is pretty prevalent in the military, or at least the Army. A pace counts measure the number of strides per 100m, range targets are measured in meters from the firing line, 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm, 40mm, 105mm, 155mm. The only exception I can think of off hand is the .50 cal.

Second best part: waiting in line at the CVS for a painkiller perscription. As the local anesthetic gradually wears off, I rapidly turn into a twitchy dude with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose trying to get some oxy.

Best line: “Should we call that in?”

It’s an aerial version of the Iranian small boat swarm.

I second what Let’s just drive and DramaLlamma said. Anyone can aggregate content, cut and paste press releases or regurgitate specs.

That brings me back. Seriously. WTF was up with the woods that we always kept porno mags there?

Jeez, at least leave us with a 5 point contingency plan next time.

I have lived in Georgia for more than 22 years and this is a thing I only learned of six months ago.

It is. A friend just returned from “Kuwait” having spent nearly the entire year in Iraq.

72 Satellite. Long, loud, fast, mean, and black.

That about closes out the era of the classic Navy jets. A-4, F-4, A-6, A-7, A-8, F-14. They were all so cool. My inner 11-year old wants to go make some models and string them up with fishing line.

That last sentence is the keeper. During my command me and top decided early that joe could use what he wanted so long as 1) he knew what he was doing, and 2) his SL approved it. That tended to keep the stupid to a minimum. Never had problems with the SGM, but then again we never saw him outside the wire much either.

Interesting take FBSC. Are you agreeing that Russia is much weaker today than under say, Brezhnev? Also, that they are objectively much weaker than US/NATO forces?

Great post. Wasted effort I am afraid though.