
Wow, Deadspin criticizing TMZ for shitty reporting? My pot-kettle alarm just went off.

Meh, Ventre's column reads like a Deadspin posting, except it goes on for more than four paragraphs.

Thanks for posting a 53 second video of a helicopter circling a school bus sitting in the water. No pictures of swimming kids or anything other than just staring at a bus. It was like the Daily Show's "Moment of Zen."

As a Jalopnik reader I'm lamenting the lack of a relevant link to the Discovery website.

@ChristianSerpent: Regrettably Fenway Park has no beer guys either, but that's probably to ensure the stadium doesn't get ripped down by the fans during a loss to the Yankees.

For a microsecond, Bob Lutz hears a sound like a mosquito buzzing. Then he returns to his regular work.

Blount ready for a career with the Bengals?

@ScientificMapp: Actually the last time Kimmel was on Carolla's podcast he was speaking specifically about Sundays at his place.

My god I hate the Devil Rays fans.

"It's gotten to the point where the fanbase is comprised solely of people who think they're societal rebels but are, in reality, annoying dickheads and outright criminals."

I love how the "League" just makes him cover them up, instead of not wanting to have anything to do with him.

At least it was a Golf he landed on.

Traber *does* have a website and message boards. Just sayin.

@TheFu: The Exchange folk in my environment say that any .pst file over a gig is in danger of breaking down.

Let's clarify that when we say "Dupe the automotive media" we main "Dupe the auto blogs." I don't see anything on the timeline referencing Car and Driver, Motor Trend, etc. Probably because they do a little thing called "fact checking" instead of "OMG Look at these pix it must be true."

"Many critics have complained about the leniency of Stallworth's legal punishment for DUI manslaughter in Florida, but now it's much harder for anyone to say that he got off "easy."

Wow, what says "Half-rate school" better than people getting upset that they can't get their drink on early and threatening to pull donations as a result?

Up at the courthouse they didn't laugh, cause to type it up took the whole staff, and when they got done the title weighed 50 pounds.

Absolutely hilarious when the clutch goes rolling past them. Surprised the cameraman didn't realize at that point what happened.