
I'm transferring, not necessarily because of the elephant shooting thing, but because I heard an interview with Bob Parsons and the guy comes across as a class A douche.

So I tried to change my password and I got "Password change failed"

Rockstar should respond by saying that Shagg was actually the inspiration for OG Loc.

@blash: Yeah because a guy who is head chef at an extremely successful New York Italian restaurant knows nothing about preparing pasta.

Civicx, CRX's, Integras, Supras.

"Can you take photos like a professional, but are too naive to get paid like one? Contact Wes at 1-800-CHEAPBLOG


Completely absolutely 100% epic.

Aftermarket starter without neutral safety switch? Sorry buddy, just because you have more money than sense doesn't mean the dealer is culpable.

I just have a pitiful 2.5i NA Impreza and I still love it like it's my child. Winter driving has never been so much fun.

Group B engine? (evil grin)

Wow how's about just asking that at the end of the May article instead of double-dipping?

I hope the blame game stops soon before the spirit of LeMons gets overwhelmed by peeved whining.

Reminds me of the photo one of my co-workers showed me. Back when he was in college him and a group of friends attached a Volvo body to a Toyota truck chassis.

If you wear a five-point harness, that's two chicks hugging you instead of one.

What's the story here? That ESPN is stealing Deadspin's stock-in-trade of inappropriate snark?

I missed the part where you mention that the day's winner was former teammate Travis Pastrana in a non-balljoint-failing Subaru.

Shouldn't have used THE NOS!

Bought a 1996 Neon, had two head gaskets blown out. I'm never buying another Mopar.

Is Magary campaigning for some "head asshole of the internet" award with this column?