...or as long as your partner lets you yell those things during sex.
...or as long as your partner lets you yell those things during sex.
just watch some Italian TV
a little too skinny for my taste....
angry afternoon sex should solve all these problems.
cracker starts with C also, would get confusing.
file under #midwestretardsproblems
so the C word is taboo because it denigrates women. The N word is taboo because it denigrates blacks. the F word is taboo because it denigrates homosexual males.
it's harder to score when you have a penis.
Italians as a people are prone to being overly dramatic, that's why that corrupt judge's satanic ritual allegations caught on.
she's doing a Michael!!!!
how do you tell someone they really need to buy chapstick?
let me summarize: tequila shots
they need to meet their father's belts.
she's such a hot BBW!
if any of you read any David Sedaris, you'd know the telltale signs...
well, it's a waste, if she were straight she would be in my dating pool.
anal is the shit!
what a waste of a beautiful woman!