Following news that the recreation of Donald Trump’s Florida mansion in virtual playground Second Life was owned by…
Following news that the recreation of Donald Trump’s Florida mansion in virtual playground Second Life was owned by…
The Islamic State has only one real rule that keeps captured female prisoners from being raped, and it’s based on an…
Chance of the stalker having $27 million = 0%.
Wow, Kelly Clarkson doesn’t like him so he must be some sick, twisted rapist. This guy works with a ton of musical talent and divas. There are obviously people that don’t like him. He might be a prick. I don’t know. But it’s one thing to be a shitty boss and another thing to be a rapist.
Yeah, wunghell is right. You can’t just jump into an argument and call someone an asshole. Especially when they’ve made a good point. Accusing someone of rape is a big deal. Kesha and her mother denied it under oath. The justice system doesn’t work on your feels. Kesha and her mom swore under oath. Dr. Luke is getting…
Completely agree. She and her mom threatened Dr. Luke that they’d accuse him of rape, unless he released her from her contract. I also know people that work for Dr. Luke and they said she is certifiably insane.
no, you are a troll who replies with ad hominem instead of an argument.
you are making a lot of leaps in this line of thinking. both kesha and her mother denied all of this in 2011, under oath. we’ll see what happen at trial, but she hasnt faired well in court so far.
sure I do. that does not mean that is what happened in this situation, does it? could it be that she was being honest under oath when facing legal repercussions? that is my opinion.
nah, she’s just upset because she is fucking over so many real victims with this bullshit. she has also, clearly, been eating a lot.
I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an…
Anker Powercore 10400mAh 2-port Portable Charger. Small, compact, and gets the job done. The reviews are what sold me. Use it for charging quad-copter batteries when out in the field.
Anker Powercore 10400mAh 2-port Portable Charger. Small, compact, and gets the job done. The reviews are what sold…
You’re cat might not love you if you buy the heated cat bed, but it will definitely love the heated bed. Nothing in my cat’s 18 years seemed to make her happier than this bed.
You’re cat might not love you if you buy the heated cat bed, but it will definitely love the heated bed. Nothing in…
It is very hard to make a good living doing something that anybody can do. Ironically, that is both drive an uber, and act.
It’s true. I’ve driven for UBER for about 3 months now and havev received two tips totaling $23.00. It’s terrible. The only thing you can really do is hope and pray you hit a Surge area.
The Sun-Sentinel’s editorial board published a scathing assessment of Florida Senator and GOP presidential candidate…
We are living through a mass extinction. From climate change to overpopulation to poaching, the world we’ve created…
I’m sorry but Kristen Wigg is so utterly boring. Just saw The Martian and honestly, she was beyond wooden. She’s just so dull. And bad nose job to boot.
So they had an ecommerce site served WITHOUT SSL before they were hacked? Well no goddamn wonder there was a breach, they left the store unlocked and the cash register, the safe, and the ledger open, with a big sign on the door that says “we have no idea what we’re doing, here are all of our customers’ credit cards.”