
Hey, I have hypnopompic hallucinations (seeing something for a second, at most, just upon waking; for me it’s usually bugs and they always disappear into a “mist”), as well as sleep paralysis and occasional night terrors. For the paralysis, don’t try to fight it. It makes it worse. Sink into it, if that makes any

I’ve been woken up by my father’s ghost, but it was much more pleasant than yours sounded. Yipes!

This sounds like it could be sleep paralysis. I get that a lot if I fall asleep on my back, but it’s usually a witch tickling or chocking me. 

The rabbit hole on this one is deep...

This should be good. His American accent needs some work, though. There were a few words that sounded very off. 

Oh snap!

I was so happy when Aquaria did the If choreo. You can’t lip sync to If and not do that. It’s in the Drag Constitution.

I LIVED for Monique until she botched Carly Rae. Then I had a Tyra Banks/Be Quiet Tiffany How Dare You moment. 

As all things must come to an end, so must Random ‘pinions for this season:

Right? Obviously Eureka was right to try to be strategic, but maybe try to extend your strategy to how you present what you did? “I tried to pick pairs that would challenge the other queens” makes you look a lot less shitty than “I gave the only black guy to Aquaria because I hoped she’d fuck it up.” You’d think maybe

I honestly don’t know who I’m rooting for anymore. I do like Eureka’s type of drag a lot (I like big sassy girls. It’s why I was team Ginger Minj), but I don’t particularly like her. I was very pro-Cracker, but I’ve felt underwhelmed with her frequently.

A grade B? No. This episode is an A- at least, because the following elements:
1) Positively bursting at the padded seams with gay frivolity and over the top shenanigans.
2) Ru was fully alive in the workroom. Her runway look was serving Poison Ivy goes to the ball in a gown for Miss Scarlet realness. Ru’s bottom-three

I also think Monet won that lipsynch. Kameron turned it, but her movement was just too jerky and athletic to fit a mid tempo, chill pop song like “Good as Hell.” Lizzo is beautiful and so charming.

Anthony Padilla is a tall drink, am I wrong?


True, the lows are lower as well, but the highs are higher. I’d rather have more variance I guess in that quality than just an overall mediocre group acting challenge.

if asia was to win miss congeniality, she would definitely be a worthy successor to the previous season’s winner, valentina.

Your tone seems very pointed right now

Now that’s how you do a ruview. Can we give some love to our host Miss Sava? I’m an avid reader of AV Club, especially the tv reviews and it truly gives me life when I see someone putting the effort in it. When it’s less about the job and more about the passion. So, thank you, Oliver Sava for not giving us a rundown

beautiful drag queens make him question his sexuality and their performance of a gender they weren’t assigned at birth frightens and confuses him. to reassert his masculinity he has to belittle them. he can’t cope with the warm feeling he gets in his pants when he sees a drag queen’s luscious ass so he has to scream