

What is with all of these Team Kameron people? What has she shown so far that is worthy of fandom?

Well, the winner was crowned months ago, so I can’t see social media responses now having swayed things.

Yeah, it was bad, but I want to hear him sing more!

I am READY for the Eurekademption season. If she manages to dial back the venom like she said she would last night, I think she stands a solid chance of being an all-around fan and queen favorite.

Ah, I didn’t know this. Well, I take it back, then!

They aren’t allowed to do copyrighted characters. They get around that by stating they are doing the actress, yet actually playing the character. E.g. Bob doing ”Uzo” when she was clearly doing Suzanne/CrazyEyes.

Kennedy vs Dela in the LSFYL was sort of a nothing burger, right? Kennedy won when I saw Ru gasp at her striptease, but both of them didn’t really do much that we could see. I felt like Dela wanted it more maybe but that ugly gold dress was so tacky. Boo on Milk for screwing up a Trixie/Kennedy LSFYL.

So, Tahani’s line about Eleanor helping her got me thinking how each character helps another character in a very specific way.

The most obvious is Chidi helping Eleanor, by giving her what she never had: Someone who believed in her. That’s been the focus of the series. That said, Jason’s impulsive nature serves as an

Can we just take a moment to talk about how amazing your screen name is?

I’m all about Thorgy’s read. “For her less is more. So she basically did nothing?”

I take any and all disagreement with open arms, as long as we all remember that I was right about Valentina and all of you were wrong.

Kinja fucked up my old disqus account and I had totally written off commenting on The AV Club, but such is the power of Drag Race that I made a new account!

I am really into those blue pants. Also, really not into Jared Leto.

If you mean the Matt Damon puppet from Team America, yes!

We may never be ungreyed, which is the spookiest tale of them all.

It seems really irresponsible to publish the photo of a woman who is being outed as a sex worker without her consent and totally unverified. Why not block out her face? Even in the context of the story where she is assaulted , held against her will and possible sexually assaulted “Jess” did not want to be outed.

“So we vibin over our hoeism”

Sleep paralysis doesn’t melt steel beams

i loved that movie and yes the silence at the end was stunning.