
I can improve upon that T-shirt.

It’s going to be hard to top seeing an honest-to-God Jack Kirby Celestial walking around in Guardians of the Galaxy.

 I’m not the traditional audience, I watched Power Rangers in college enjoying the campiness. I like the idea of Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa but if this tries to be a serious revamp, it’s going to be as appealing as Batman vs Superman for me.

To be fair, though, they’re still using Avengers: Infinity War Part One on that movie’s page, despite the fact that it’s no longer a Part One and the logo seems to have been updated as well:

Yeah, if this movie goes even more in the Kirby department, I will friggin’ have to change my pants in the theater.

If you’re going to be in a Transformers movie you should not be allowed to use the title ‘Sir’.

Hot damn I need that Thor Ragnarok t-shirt 

“Kanye knows he is a media sensation..”


And in the end, ‘twas vibe that killed the bitch.

Better have high cheekbones and be a size 2 or you’re still not even an 8.

OK, not you, you can stay.

What if I’m a blonde with big tits?

Donnie Yen is super cool and all and I am certain he would have done fine as a non-martial-artist character. However he’s a martial artist, and an excellent one. It would surely be a waste to cast the great Donnie Yen in a Star Wars film and not get him to do martial arts. I’m not sure it’s racist to cast a famous and

Totally agree, and I’d go even further. The corporate metrics are the ones driving that misbehavior, which wouldn’t be happening without this scheme to begin with. The whole scheme sounds like something some idiot straight out of B-school dreamed up - “we’ll measure performance based on their metrics, just like we

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member.”

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I love how Bartel in that memo takes zero responsibility for the corporate practices contributing to the “disappointing” behaviors you described.

White people ended slavery like Trump ended the birther controversy - by ceasing to perpetuate it.

What the fuck is up with the obsession that black people thank a white person for the fact that white people “ended” slavery? That seems to be one of the biggest grievances I hear lately coming from white people. Well, the least they could do is THANK us for what we did. All those good ol’ boys who died freeing slaves