“Commander! Incoming penis!”
“Commander! Incoming penis!”
Glad to hear that if you and your spouse can’t afford a child you aren’t going to have sex. I’m so proud you are living by your morals.
Today is 20 years since my rape. I did not need this shit today. I was mostly fine. Then I got this notification from WaPo and collapsed into tears in my front yard. I’m just done with this planet.
I’ve never assembled ikea furniture with another person for that very reason. I don’t care if the instructions say it’s a two person job. I will make that shit work by myself and preserve my interpersonal relationships, thank you very much.
Imagine the horror when they’re forced to assemble cheap furniture with only pictographic instructions and a hex key.
Don’t forget that Doris very publicly stood by Rock Hudson when he revealed his AIDS diagnosis during the height of mid 80's AIDS paranoia stigmatization and discrimination.
I agree that Dany’s plot was built up over many seasons, and it’s in character with consideration of the long arc... but the writers failed to effectively show her transition from rationalizing her acts of violence with rhetoric of being a champion of the oppressed, to just burning a city for funsies that had just…
I disagree. I think they thought they were on the same page before, but reality is a cruel bitch. It’s far easier to claim you’re a progressive dad who isn’t afraid of a dirty diaper when it’s not staring you in the face at 4 AM. Then when it does, it's even easier to pretend you don't see it as a problem, especially…
I’d just like to say, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are men who jump into fatherhood with gusto and reject praise for their household contributions. You can probably tell before you have kids, too. Did he stick you with all the wedding planning? Does he do housework like a grown up? Does he make his own…
Remember that dad’s BBC interview that got interrupted by toddlers? Here’s the female version:
I’ve seen people (myself included) exhausted from 30-min conversations with self-absorbed irrational 5 yr olds. I can’t help but imagine 2-hr phones calls with Pimp Kris would be 100x worse.
I hope she pays people really really well then. Sometimes executives/rich people just have an expectation that people should be working as hard as they are, without thinking about the fact that they are probably making 1/1000 (if that) of their pay.
I know people who have worked with her, and they say no one works harder than that woman.
Oh lovely, he is now talking in third person.
Maybe he will jump a few steps ahead in this farce and blame an ‘evil Trump Twin’ complete with pencil mustache, top hat, and cape.
The bill is part of a terrifying strategy from Republicans who want to take advantage of a Supreme Court stacked with conservative judges. According to the bill’s sponsor, Alabama Rep. Terri Collins, Republicans want a legal challenge, hoping that with an increasingly conservative court system, the bill will make its…
That whale in the video is OBVIOUSLY waiting, jaws agape, for his goodboy treat for fetching The Thing. Toss him an anchovy, you monsters!
Purses overflowing with shrimp, been there.
It’s sad but I specifically got eyelash extensions so I would have some form of “make-up” in the after-birth photos.
Internalized misogyny is real.