
I’m definitely feeling better in that sense too, I’ve lost only a couple pounds (I had a UTI last week that required me to go to an urgent care facility and they weighted me). But I am counting down the days before I can reintroduce bread and cheese. Fuck it, I’ll give up drinking if I have to.

I cut out alcohol for a week and was 200% more productive (due to more energy, I think). Thanks a lot, health-self! Now every time I pour myself a glass of wine, I know precisely the deal I’m making with myself.

The thing about seeing any Gaga live performance is, besides all the hype and showbiz....she always slays as a singer and musician. Love to hear her sing, just her at the piano.

Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Bradley looks at Gaga when she first starts singing.

Oh, I hope you make some improvements here before you have kids. It will be unlikely to get better with the addition of children.

Or maybe it will? My husband and I don’t have kids yet, and I’m much better at cleaning, but he’s way better with babies. I’d much rather do dishes than change a diaper, and he’s the exact

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

You’re getting my old crap!

I’m resisting this with every fiber of my being... I’m a messy person (not dirty, just not organized) and seeing a super-tidy place makes me a bit anxious...like the place isn’t really lived in. Go ahead, people, judge me. Avert your eyes from my stack of books not in a bookshelf. Your disdain, feeds me.  Am I not

Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant that someone taught to wince.

It is completely ridiculous to rank Chris Pine ahead of Chris Hemsworth. However, he is a worthy second for sure.

I want Ayra to kill everyone and then she pulls off her face and she’s Sean Bean.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the only person who should host the Oscars is Billy Eichner. I DON’T SEE WHY THIS IS HARD!!!

They work in the way that religion works for some people. If something actually gives people direction, purpose, emotional support, etc. then whatever. Some of us seem to have those things built into us (or have developed it based on what we know of ourselves and want out of our lives), and there are some people who

I was at the Pete show last night and I’m surprised Jez chooses to focus on the fact he talked about Ariana and not about the fact that he basically shit all over Louis CK.

I love going into shops and telling them how I want to feel. They’re pretty good at making matches for me. If you want to giggle and just forget life for a bit, I highly (heh) recommend Golden Goat or Blue Dream. Willie’s Reserve sativas are amazing. Turns out that guy knows his weed pretty well, hmmm.

She’s taking a big risk with her entire political career to try and live down that DNA debacle and run for prez. She’s much more effective where she is or in the Cabinet. 

“Jezebel is a feminist website,” Riffer adds in his letter. “It should not be a tool to allow one woman (Remini) to harass another woman (Mrs. Miscavige), her husband and her religion.”