
omg that’s his fucking name. I just commented above about how the skinning scarecrow one was the most terrifying. FUCKKKKK

Last year I bought this series on eBay because I was determined to have the versions with that terrifying artwork for my children. I am currently childless, but you can bet your ass I’m saving those to fuck up my future kids.

This guy shot a woman, point blank, because he doesn’t think women should drive. Not only was he allowed to be out on bond, but he’s still allowed to have a gun.

Cate! It’s in Carpinteria. Santa Catalina sounds dope though.

Yoga pants weren’t even a THING back then! The baggy Adidas tear away pants were all the rage. Or wearing boys basketball shorts. We were HAWT.

Ah yes, this full body, ankle length, unitard is less respectful than the itty bitty white tennis skirts that barely cover the players’ vulvas.


I chose to go to boarding school because it was the best private school in my area, and it ended up being the best experience of my life. My dearest friends are from that school and it’s been 15 years and we’re all still incredibly close. That said, it was a west coast boarding school and they get sneered at by the



I had never seen this....I am LOLLLLLing

Barbie into the fire will ALWAYS make me laugh.

I will buy it all.

Oh god we were all SO into this show. I went to boarding school, so we’d have to beg the dorm teachers (yea, teachers had apartments attached to the dorms) to let us all in to watch each episode and make cookies. Like 20 girls would be laying on a tiny apartment living room floor, shoving snacks into our mouths, and

10000% yes. That sounds like my idea of heaven.

I llllllloooooove the Jurassic Park movies (yea I was even ok with Jurassic World), but I straight up refused to go see the newest one. I was like...IS there a plot? At all? Sigh.

As someone who works at one of the largest record labels in the world...I can confirm that SOMEONE KNEW. Either they epically failed to clear it, or they’re in negotiations and Nicki has no idea how clearing music works. 


Let’s remedy this.