
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon is one of my favorite movies. It’s so wonderful in its awfulness. Bad graphics, bad plot, bad dubbing, bad acting, bad sexist humor...but the wonderful JOHN BARROWMAN.



What actor is playing the “slim young man with clavicle tattoos”? It’s driving me crazy and I can’t find him on IMDB!

This is good


Yea....Hemsworth for life.

Thing is, girls are taking responsibility for their own sexuality AND that of men and boys from day one.

This, on top of seeing Wonder Woman (and crying), has made me very emotional lately. It’s like we’re all fighting towards being the living embodiments of “nevertheless, she persisted”. Let’s do it!


Just came here to say that.

I know someone who voted for him for that reason too! He’s an anti-government, off-the-grid, bunker person...so THAT doesn’t surprise me too much. But the dude is super pro-environment so I was like WAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU BIG FUCKING HYPOCRITE IDIOT.

THIS - “because they’re the only ones responsible enough to run their projects.”

YES 100%

Friendship never ends. Solid message.

I’m just waiting for the next think piece that’s like “IF MILLENNIALS STOP BUYING MAN ROMPERS THEY COULD BUY A MANSION”

I too was smiling like a loon

I like the 90s house vibe...but that’s pretty much it. Man, I’m not feelin’ these new KP tunes. Boo.

I just watched that whole video, and at the end, realized I was sitting chin-on-fist, head cocked, and smiling dreamy eyed the entire time.

Plus that dialogue was like, porn level bad.