
Mercedes only spent £1.7 million ($2.09 million) more on development in 2018 than it did in 2017, implying that the team was pleased with the performance of the car and anticipated another successful year with a relatively similar car.

Spot on, you get my point. You were the one saying that burning of 100+ year old trees as carbon neutral. I was applying your logic to fossil fuels. Both are not carbon neutral. Food is carbon neutral, because that happens twice a year for most crops, trees are renewable but not carbon neutral.

Lol, burning gasoline is carbon neutral by your comparison, all oil and coal came from living plants and animals that got their original energy from photo synthesis, same as a tree.

ORRRRR, maybe let people log forests. I mean aren’t most houses built with wood? Aren’t there many defunct logging towns in CA that were put out of work because of some short sighted politicians who watch fern gully, and an owl. I’m sure the owls do well in forest fires but it would basically be free, no actually a

Maybe because CA lets forest fires burn every year which produce more harmful emissions then all the cars?

So maybe you shouldn’t be claiming CO2 causes asthma? Just a thought.

Do you even know what asthma is? Its an allergic reaction to foreign particles in the air, by your admission CO2 is naturally in your lungs and therefore is not a foreign substance and cannot cause asthma.

You can’t run a 5 point harness without a racing seat and a roll cage, otherwise the seat belt could break your back. Changing out the seats and putting a cage in there would not make the car very streetable.

You breath out C02, it a necessary gas in your lungs. The disagreement between the EPA and California is over fuel economy which isn’t proportional to C0 and NOX pollution. That article says “in addition to GHG” there is pollution from transportation, which is a subtle way of saying C02 is not considered air pollution.

You article says no, CO2 doesn’t cause any breathing problems.

“If this prevails,” Mary Nichols, the chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board told the outlet, “millions of people in California will breathe dirty air. There will be more pollution, more asthma more hospitalizations, more premature deaths.”

Peak torque is meaningless as well, compare the 5.0 F-150 vs the 2.7 TT F-150, both have 400 lb-ft but the 2.7 has 400 at 2750 rpm vs 4500 rpm for 5.0, and they drive way differently. Anyway I’m hoping they fix the delivery of power and we get somewhere around 240 HP and that will really wake up the car, also hoping

I would like California to decide what cars I can buy because I too stupid to buy a car I can afford to fill up with gas. 

And then compare the values of the LR3 to the Wrangler with the same miles and truth is easy to see.

All good points. I’ll concede TJ/LJ look better.

So why is this better then the JK? You say its bigger which is better, but then the JK is too big which is bad, pretty sure they are all going on the same trails. Now that the JL is out can we finally give the JK some credit back or because it was too popular with non offroaders will it always be in the dog house? I

They offer a price so they can make a living, not so they “get the business”. If every business operated a loss there wouldn’t be an economy or any sense of “capitalism” as we know.

That’s allowed in a free market. But he or she will eventually figure it out. People should have the freedom to fail.