
But it uses more coal, and natural gas then a Prius. 59% of electricity comes from coal and natural gas in the US, assuming a 30% efficiency till the electricity charges the batteries. Thats 47 / 59% * 30% thats 23.9 Milles per gallon equivalent of fossil fuels. If we assume all fossil fuels charge, it’s then it’s

It’s pretty typical that a democrat run town is corrupt.

Do you even know what facism is? It’s represented by Justin Castro Trudeau seizing power to prevent opposition to his authoritarian/facist lockdown policies.

Are you talking about the time the GOP and republican vice president voted to certify the election last year? How was that any different than 2017 and 2005?

Have you even looked up what fascist means?

You act like the alphabet people have to fly the flag and that you can only fly the flag if you are a member of said group, we both know that neither are true. The flag is a political symbol, political violence is still very bad, but not a hate crime.

Racial slurs I guess could be a crime in Canada, but from a US standpoint not a crime. Committing a crime to someone flying a rainbow flag on their house is not a hate crime per se as anyone can fly a rainbow flag. Still a crime but not what we call a hate crime, unless you want to call people stealing political yard

Honestly what is the difference?

It sounds like someone was comparing Canada to NAZI Germany by putting a swastika on an upside-down Canadian flag. Not sure I would call that a hate crime, it’s the same as all the Nazi related comparisons thrown around on social media and the media, which are not constructive. I guess it could be racist but there

I searched for it as well but can’t find any articulated crime. Care to link to one?

There are no hate crimes listed in that article.

Ottawa police had to establish a special hotline just to deal with all the reports of hate-related crimes going on since protesters shut the city down on Jan. 28

Yeah, just drop the corporate tax altogether would help the smaller companies. Income taken by shareholders will still be taxed, and of course sales tax.

Due to the nature of taxes Tesla still created income tax (for the employees) and sales tax revenue. Corporate taxes are dumb anyway, why does a company need to pay taxes when every employee and shareholder already pay taxes.

There are different lithium batteries that trade charging speed for less capacity, but cars are already using the chemistry (IMR) that allows high charge and discharge at expense of energy density. But what you are asking is already possible, Tesla says that there fastest supercharger is 250 kW, which is likely only

I doubt you can take a camper or a boat to a lake that is a couple hours away. I mean that is roughly 100-120 miles one way which will be the full range of the battery during towing, especially if there is elevation involved.

I’m not convinced that load in an electric vehicle will really hurt the efficiency as long as it doesn’t add aerodynamic drag. I mean you get most of the energy back as long as you use all regen-braking and not friction. I think load will hurt an ICE truck a lot more because it doesn’t have regenerative braking, which

ICEs are also most efficient at full throttle, but the vehicle efficiency isn’t if you are going 150 mph. Electric motors are far more efficient at partial load as compared to ICE, which is why manufactures keep adding more peak HP with very little efficiency penalty, unlike ICE.

You seem to be missing the point, you have to pay tax on theoretical money using real cash money. These billionaires don’t have enough real cash money to pay a 1% tax on gains so they will have to sell stock. If 1% of a companies stock is sold the price goes down by more than 1%. And if they have to do this every year