
What if the job you are doing isn’t worth a living wage? Are you saying the job shouldn’t be available or worthwhile for someone to take even if they don’t actually need a living wage? Employers have to profit off of employees labor to stay in business, if they can’t profit then they go out of business. If they make

So who decides how much CEOs make in your system? Everyone works VOLUNTARILY in a free market, if you can get paid more somewhere else you should take it. Wealth has drastically increased for everyone, its common for everyone to have a big flat screen TV, 100 meg internet, smart phone, 300 hp cars with heated and

So if I work 40 hours a week working on my basket ball skills so I could go pro, should I be entitled to a living wage? What if I spend all my time racing, should the government force someone to pay me a living wage?

Being conservative means that we don’t want some arbitrator deciding who gets a living wage, we want to let people freely decide what services they want and how much they are willing to pay for them. We want voluntary transactions instead of transactions by threat of force like taxes. Its like the septic tank pumper,

Seriously who is the judge of that? Shouldn’t it be the free market and not some over reaching government? If it wasn’t a fair price then how can you explain why there are so many drivers? What if I decided and I should get a “living wage” for painting peoples curbs and the government should force everyone who’s curb

I agree with you 100% and think the government should stay out of it. If people want to drive for Lyft for less money then a “living wage”, then let them, its not like its child labor. If investors want to subsidize rides in hope of an upside so be it. It kind of sucks for taxi cab drivers and they should be able to

Actually sample size of 50 trucks over the last 20 years. Diesels used to be good, but they aren’t anymore due to emission controls. I’m not saying emission controls are bad, just saying that modern diesels because of the emission controls don’t compare to older diesels in reliability. My first car was a 1980 300SD

You kind of missed the point, the diesel injectors run at 30,000 psi!! I don’t think people realize how much pressure that is and how perfect the internal components have to be. Gas DI is only at 2900 psi and don’t fail with the regularity of diesel injectors. My dad has a fleet of gas and diesel trucks, its only the

Don’t forget about the 30,000 psi injectors that last I checked are between $1000-2000 for a set and fail regularly. Plus the fact that when diesels fail there is no warning. A 2012 Chevy 3500 diesel in perfect running order left 4 guys and 20,000 lb trailer stranded after 1 bad temperature sensor in the exhaust

I didn’t see mention that they replaced the superior 5 link suspension for a torsion beam, most likely to make room for AWD.

This looks a lot like the Traxxas XO-1

Now I get where you are coming from. I still don’t think hybrid is the answer for a fun mid engined car. I like the 818 but it doesn’t matter how much the 818 costs it’s not indicative of production costs and tooling, it is after all home built and will never have the safety, reliability and fit and finish of a

I can’t imagine the mileage on a 700 hp supercharged V8 truck. As someone who was thinking of buying the raptor I would be happy with the 5.0 400-450 HP NA motor with the 10 speed, its lighter in the standard F150, more resistant to vibration then the outgoing 3.5 EB and sounds better. With the 10 speed there isn’t

The problem is you know I’m right, the next BRZ/GT86 will start sub 30g be under 3000 lbs and have a stick shift with the engine in the front.

Again you are missing the point of the GT86/BRZ by so far that we aren’t even talking about the same car anymore.

The BMW i8 has a completely different power train then a toyota. The bmw has a 6 speed transmission, there is no electric motor in the back, only in the front. The toyota synergy drive has two electric motors and a gas motor attached to a planetary. Google is your friend here!

I was on mobile before so I was brief. But a few points:

Ick. I wouldn’t want that car, but it’s not possible anyway. 

The Miata isn’t a high powered car, it has no issue with putting the power it has down.

With the old front wing regulations, they’d be even quicker than they are now.