
I’m in CA and for regulating air pollution from vehicles. My 1975 vehicle has a catalyst that I installed that wasn’t there from the factory. Regulating fuel economy un-fairly penalizes the car manufacturers and consumers because the fuel economy of a vehicle doesn’t translate to how much fuel someone will burn. I


There isn’t any disagreement between CA and the EPA over other emissions besides CO2.

Very dishonest fake news here, the only thing people are fighting over is C02 emissions which don’t affect air quality, only global warming, a lot of people will associate emissions with air quality correctly but this isn’t correct in this case. At least you should qualify it by saying CO2 emissions instead of just

The only emission that anyone is fighting over is C02 only, not the soot and particulates emissions from diesels, those are here to stay.

This is all very deceptive coverage, the only thing anyone is fighting over is C02 emissions which don’t affect air quality, only global warming.

CO2 doesn’t cause any health problems that I know of. Can you list one? C02 is already in my lungs right now.

Driving a nice car always relieves anger so I don’t get their premise. Driving a crappy car makes me mad.

Or the fact that consumers don’t drive the economy, investors do. Back in 2007 was there a demand for touch based smartphones, were consumers banging on the tech door to give them this device? The answer is no, it took Apple investing capital into a new product and now they have created a billion dollar industry.

You miss the point, the oil and gas industry doesn’t enjoy subsidies exclusively, they get the same tax breaks as every other industry.


Lol, the government doesn’t make money, it redistributes it! So you want spend everybodys money on electric instead of yours. What a leftist.

So Bronco Raptor with that 7 speed manual?

Are you saying a rear steer 3 wheeler is the best idea?

Yeah I think I knew what you meant, I’m just tired of the argument that an LS is old tech compared to the fragile high HP/liter engines we see from Europe.

It all depends on where you set 100%. For formula 1 cars 100% can only be run reliably for 2-3 laps max, and the damage is cumulative. You could just say that what you call 90% is really their 100% and they simply have a turbo or overboost capability. The tire wear definitely makes races more interesting which is why

They baby them to keep them in good shape for when they have to battle. Tire strategy is a bigger factor in this racing series compared to others, but it has given us good racing all year. Hamilton came from the back to win the German grand prix, and while you can say he babied his tires to keep them fresh he passed a

The tires this year have been great for racing. In 2013 the tires were terrible.

It’s pretty simple to make the reverse grid work, you award at half of the championship points for qualifying and half for race results.

Almost complelty agree with you except that they are “basic as fuck”. There is countless hours of engineering that went into these motors that if it wasn’t there these motors wouldn’t be what they are. Just compare them to a SBC. They are just as adavanced as any other modern motor, ohc is as old as pushrods, and