
The question you should ask yourself is do you use round wheels and have no imagination or do you run “something; anything else.”


So I take it you are carbon neutral?

This 181 HP Miata is pretty close to matching all the performance of the S2000, some of it is tires but a lot of it is the power band is better on a Miata, especially this upgraded one from early tests, and its still over 400 lbs lighter.

There was no 1999 S2000. There was a 2000 S2000 in 1999 however.

But you still have 16 connectors coming from the harness to each coil and injector, you can just reorder them to the new firing order.

Spoken like someone who has never owned a cross plane V8

Or just wire up the injectors and coils in the correct order, you forgot you would need a custom ground cam.

Everyone that starts on the softest tire will always pit well before halfway because the softest tire lasts less then the harder one, plus the fact that the cars are lighter for the second half of the race due to fuel burning off, and the also the starting tires are always used in qualifying.

Thou shall not covet. Don’t be jealous of Stroll because he has money backing him. Paying drivers are the norm in motorsports, doubtful it will ever change because its expensive. The top drivers in F1 may not even be the best drivers in the world because not everyone has the same opportunity,but as Kimi has

There is no vehicle dynamics equation that would agree with you.

Who now?

You’re forgetting about eco modes, traction control, stability control and even which key you are using will override WOT commands. With a digital accelerator pedal in an auto car the pedal doesn’t correspond to throttle at all. Just get a OBD scanner an graph pedal percentage vs throttle percentage and you will be

Yeah exactly, there isn’t an “ideal” weight distribution for all cars. Just because its 50:50 doesn’t ensure good handling, and it doesn’t even ensure it will handle any better then a 40:60 or 60:40 car. Its just a spec that people setting up/designing the handling of a car will have to take account of.

Except of course all mid engine cars and actual race cars.

Its very expensive for employers to lose employees. I would say on average people quit more then they get fired, and they only quit usually because they have something better already lined up. If Amazon, Mcdonalds and Walmart are so bad why do people still work for them? You want to shut them down so now all these

Demonizing the profit motive of businesses is dangerous, look where it got the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, even east Germany. Businesses have to make a profit off their employees to stay in business. They have to keep their employees to stay in business. If they aren’t able to do that they will go out of business,

Just kidding, most business are stubborn and would rather die a horrible death than pay and treat workers appropriately.