
no, not meant to troll. I don’t understand how it can be poor logic to believe what the founders meant when they wrote the constitution. They didn’t haphazardly construct it, they were careful with their words. They made it hard to change because they didn’t want it to change, even with advances in technology or

If you believe the founding fathers were naive to not know that firearm technology would increase then it seems you suffer from poor logic. There is no disputing what they meant when they wrote it. It seems your only argument is that they wouldn’t write it if they knew about a semiautomatic rifle known as the AR15.

First off the hero in Texas was not carrying his AR15 with him at all times yet he was still able to use against the murderer. A gun at home is still useful if you have to use it to defend your home or community. It’s definitely not likely that you will ever need to or be able to defend your home with a gun, but it’s

Carrying an AR15 at all times doesn’t make sense. Honestly I wouldn’t even own it if CA didn’t threaten to take my second amendment rights away from me. Its not that I don’t trust our government, it’s that I don’t trust what our government could become if we don’t have the second amendment. Let history be our teacher,

The part about why someone would feel the need to own a semiautomiatc rifle for self defense even if the shooter wouldn’t have one.

You obviously didn’t get it. It’s the reason that enterprise revoked the NRA discount, not the fact that it ever existed that makes an NRA member feel un welcome.

The push back because the laws already on the books should have prevented the parkland murderer from getting a gun. But the executive branch failed at enforcing the laws so more laws won’t help except keep guns out of law abiding citizens’ hands.

The Texas church shooting was stopped by a NRA member with an AR15. It would have been a different story if that hero had to fight a body armored gunman with a handgun. I have a few guns and an AR15 is the one I would take if my life or someone else’s depended on me hitting my intended target.

The Jeep Wranglers front wheels don’t enjoy this independence you speak of.

But double is always better :-), not saying they have a dud but can you imagine the goodness of a LT1 in a ZR2? Putting the Hellcat motor in everything they can has worked out for FCA and all best selling Chevys relative their class have the small block V8s, Trucks, Escalades, Camaros and Corvettes. Also I bet the LT1

2m is cheap, relatively, put the LT1 in. Guarenteed they would double the demand of the truck

You do know a company is just a group of people working together to make a living. There is no evil or greed in that, and the whole add showed people volunteering to help other people which isn’t that what MLK was encouraging in his speech?

Buying a truck when you need it and can afford it is not consumerism.

Seriously why do you hate America so much?

So book publishers aren’t allowed to make a profit selling books about MLK? Dodge isn’t allowed to make a profit to pay for the ad that had millions of people hear MLKs speech? Money makes the world go round my friend and MLK made a living and therefor a profit off his speeches.

How else is someone suppose to justify broadcasting an MLK speech during the most expensive time slot in TV? You do understand that MLK made a profit and hence a living off speaking (capitalism). Two things can be true at the same time: Dodge can sell more trucks to pay for the ad, and people can enjoy and be inspired

Seriously who else spent millions to broadcast MLK’s words in context on the most expensive time slot on TV? And the inconceivable act of trying to get paid for doing it. MLK made a profit off speaking so he could make a living. What’s wrong with Dodge doing the same thing? The ad can inspire people who won’t even buy

Turbos can be tuned for any rpm, they can make more torque at a lower rpm then a supercharger. Also the reason you idle a turbo engine is to cool down the turbo with oil, not to allow it to spin down which happens within a split second. Modern turbocharged gas engines cool the turbo with coolant in addition to oil

Not quite, locking tires on low traction surfaces will decrease stopping distances. You won’t be able to steer with locked wheels but you will still stop quicker. As was already commented the front brakes actually help the back brakes lock up, or lock up quicker.

I agree that in this case Goodyear had too much privacy allowed to them. Companies still need to protect IP otherwise it will be hard to get people to invest in something that they will not own. The investment in IP is essential for innovation and a society that doesn’t protect IP will lose it. A line does have to be