
The courts are suppose to keep business honest and they clearly failed in this case. The courts are the regulation the constitution spoke of. I don’t think the government could have prevented the first accident but it should have prevented all the rest of the accidents and punished Goodyear enough to make sure they

Your response was related no matter what you call it. I just pointed out it was contradictory to the article. I have used cheap tires and while they suck at traction, tread life, NVH, they were completely safe. Not saying they are all going to be safe but its pretty much a given that new products in a market place

Its no mistake that freedom in the “free market” can be abused like any other freedom, but that doesn’t make a case for eliminating freedom. History has shown us that no freedom is far far worse then the abuse of freedom.

This article kind of refutes your point. The tires in question weren’t cheap, they were name brand and they still failed. Saying that just because you bought expensive tires makes then safe doesn’t really hold true. What I got from this article is our legal system was not well suited to correct this bad behavior and

Holy electrical devices batman. All these tech things are cool, especially the frame vibrators. Maybe you could hook those things into your stereo. I wonder what the ROI for all the tech to save fuel versus how much fuel they will save.

Sorry but nope. Your 300 zx exhaust looks best how it is. E36 BMW exhaust also awesome. I don’t even like a big diameter change from tip to pipe and there should never be a double pipe visible

Lol, hp/liter is meaningless unless you are displacement restricted in a racing class. American engines are generally better at the HP/ engine weight. Why do you think people swap LS engines into everything? Oh yeah a 2004 corvette beats the mileage of a 2004 s2000 and will smoke it on any performance measure. Not bad

I’m at a loss, what does the red scare and racial segregation have to do with “post war American strength”. I’ll concede that racial segregation and witch hunts during the red scare are not good aspects of Americas past, as long as you concede that spreading freedom worldwide after WWII are excellent aspects of

I see 4279 for the 392 challenger

$50 an hour is enough for a shop. Mechanics have higher shop rates to account for down time, mistakes, and when jobs take longer then the book.

Or a Dodge Challenger/Charger

Yeah South Korea would certainly be better if America didn’t defend them against communism, I mean North Korea is obviously the best Korea. Occupying Japan also didn’t turn out so well for Japan... I mean like nothing is made there. East Germany was way more successful and free then West Germany, which is why they

When you work for a company you are voluntarily working. If you think you are unfairly treated then you can work somewhere else. Companies that unfairly treat their employees go out of business. If employers feel like they are unfairly treated by the Union they can’t hire non Union employees. They can’t do that

I’m pretty good at making sure I don’t get screwed without a union. In the 21st century it’s pretty easy to find and change jobs. Seems you let your true agenda shine through, you don’t like it when people make a lot of money. You fail to realize that all people who make a lot of money with capitalism make everyone

Obviously there is more to life then money, and you don’t necessarily take a job for the most money if the work will suck. I would have zero problems with unions if they were voluntary. But that would mean a business can hire anyone they want to.

Note how you said a workforce is required to make a profit but not a union. How does a union help you make a profit exactly? Think of it this way, say you start a business and hire a couple employees. You have voluntarily hired two people who are voluntarily working for you. Lets say that the employees band together

Executives add value to the company, they create the jobs. If you can get paid more then change jobs, that’s the advantage of a free economy. Unions force companies to only use union labor by labor laws. Do you really think of it is a good system you would have to have laws forcing companies and employees to work with

Unions negotiate for a group of people, but no group of people are the same so how does it make sense that they should get paid the same. It’s takes away the incentive for greatness, in the same way communism does. People are individuals and should get paid based on their individual performance.

You’re comparing apples to oranges. Unions go after the most profitable industries to suck up the extra profit. Seriously would you pay 3% of your paycheck to have someone negotiate your salary once a year? Wages need to be assessed on an individual level and related to your individual performance and value you add to