
I've lost count of how many times I've looked for a film I suddenly fancied watching on UK Netflix and just got "titles related to". I only have it now for original shows and It's Always Sunny, having only ever had it in the first place because I fell victim to the "sign up for a free month to watch Arrested

I believe that's forfty percent.

Did exactly the same when I was an undergrad. I'm glad to find out it wasn't just me.

I would like you to know I logged in to Disqus for the first time in a year to like this comment.

Do you see any government-appointed bears around here?

Batman's a porn star?

I eagerly scrolled down to the comments to see if this was the first one. I'm glad I wasn't disappointed. Though I shouldn't really be reading comments; I should be keeping myself in a state of cat-like readiness.

Mr. Martha, disparaging the pigfucking is a pigfuckable offence!

The Rampaging Fanboys were probably the most successful punk-band-slash-football-team of the mid to late 90s.

Was it just me or did it sound a little like Carl Orff's Gassenhauer (as in the Badlands and True Romance soundtracks)? No obvious connection with either film besides both being about crime, though TR specifically involves Italian gangsters and arguably has the same quirkiness in parts, albeit in a different manner.

Would you say it's time for us to grease ourselves up real good and trash South Park Studios with a baseball bat?

I do have to say though, The AV Club is literally the only place on the internet I read the comments. Even other publications I like/read regularly at least tend to have awful comment sections. Whereas half of why I read The AV Club is the comments. A consequence of this is that I would be genuinely more excited to

Hey funboys! Get a room!

My favourite accent story is last year when a friend and I came out of Maleficent. I pointed out the villian was played by Sharlto Copley, to which my friend replied "oh, that bloke from District 9 who did the terrible South African accent?". I had to explain Sharlto Copley is, obviously, South African. (I assume he

To be fair, I don't think Petyr Baelish is actually *supposed* to be Irish, though given the current political situation in the north he might be involved. Why no one else from The Vale is Irish I don't know, but then why is Davos a Geordie despite being played by an Irishman and being from Westeros' analogue to

I once titled an academic paper "Washington in Real Life". This may be why it remains the only academic paper I've given.

Agreed. I saw her in Into The Wild and Adventureland before anything else and didn't get what everyone's problem with her was. Then a friend of mine who wished only to see the film to perv on Taylor Lautner dragged me to Eclipse, but really, that film could've starred Gary Oldman, Jennifer Lawrence, and Bryan Cranston

American Horror Story: 2 American 2 Horror

I don't know, here in Durham (the UK one) we had a cemetery masturbator when I was an undergrad. I'll take my chances with the clown.

We're allowed to have one.