
The Queen of Thorns will leave when she's good and ready.

Danson, don't you ruin another Prime Day!

To quote Homer Simpson, "that's it, mister. I am disgruntled. And up until now, I was relatively gruntled."

This reporter suggested "Grandeghazi", but was shouted down at the Press Club.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say we won't agree; none of those songs stood out for me. (Though there's an important difference between my saying they didn't stand out and my saying I don't like them.) There are many tracks I would rank equally with or higher than Another First Kiss, it's not in my top five or anything,

Mink Car has a couple of my favourite tracks- My Man, Man It's So Loud In Here, and Another First Kiss. While Join Us I almost never listen to- I don't think it's bad, it's just that no songs from it have stuck with me other than Can't Keep Johnny Down. Then again, I've always liked Up, Reveal, and Around The Sun more

Is it just me, or does he sound oddly like Rappin' Ronnie Reagan here?

If only it were Tom Hollander, who would, I can only assume, play Spider-Man as The Fucker.

What this needs is Emmett Richter. Also it should be on a boat.

Well, I thought it worked pretty well, even if there were some jerky cuts. Especially the bit with the three-eyed raven, which was a pretty good GoT take on the original.

Give him a break, his career was killed!

It's a misdirect, she's actually finishing off A Song Of Ice And Fire after GRRM finally lost his publishers' confidence by finally and inevitably introducing chapters written from the perspective of a medium-sized pie. The Daario comment is a total giveaway.

Damn it, we need The Direwolf Of Wall Street.
"The real question is, were all these Baratheon children legitimate? Absolutely fucking not."

Holy fuck the liplicking woman is terrifying.

Yeah, it's becoming a little hard to tell if the writers themselves actually think Britta's the worst, like with Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry etc. on Parks & Rec- prior to the final run of episodes, at least, it regularly seemed like he was virtually a Meg Griffin, an actually sympathetic character that the show seemed to

Hmm, but Annie was patronising, controlling, and unreasonable (she jumps straight to 'you have no rights in the flat because you're sleeping on the couch' and uses a personal bugbear of mine from personal experience, citing something as an iron rule without really justifying the existence of the rule). Britta, in

Definitely agree wrt Annie- I was initially expecting that storyline would play out as "Annie learns to be a bit less controlling", then after Britta used Abed that they'd both learn something ("be less controlling"/"don't use friends for your selfish ends"), instead of which only Britta was shown to be chastised. I

Ja ja ja, mach schnell mit der Lifetime movies, huh? I must get back to Netflix in time to see Bloodline.

I voted for selfies to go back to the old sepia portraits. After that I became deeply cynical.

I was actually angry with the final episode, having been more or less a House Of Cards fan from the start (being a sucker for anything related to US politics). Spending the whole season building up Stamper's redemption, then hang on, he's actually still going to kill Rachel, then wait a minute! he *is* redeemed a