
Can’t wait to find a gently used one for around 75% off sticker price in two years.

Your world must be shattered right now. hehehe

That’s Vice President to you.


Spoken like a true robot.

Love me some Dukes of Hazzard!

And yet the sun still rose in the east and will set in the west. Calm the fuck down.

I don’t think BJ’s from women is what he is looking for.

Makes me envy them greatly. Not sure why they always feel the need to apologize to the likes of the internet. As if everyone on the internet is perfect and doesn’t do stupid shit. And for the record I don’t think either one of them did anything wrong. The dudes costume isn’t disparaging to Native Americans. That’s the

I just thought it was streaks of lotion...

I get it now. “Youth oriented” hotels look like strip clubs...

Great review Heather! I’ve been on the fence about this one. This got me kind of excited to check out now. I’m a die-hard Battlefield fan but felt the franchise wasn’t advancing. Sounds like they are making some strides in the right direction.

Wish Condi was running for President.

I could stare at this for hours... I love Maserati’s!

Great article David!

A 1987 Ford Thunderbird 5.0. It’s a fox body Mustang with (a little) more room. (I happen to have one for sale!)

Nowhere in the article does it state how many times they’ve done this. Not defending them here but from the pictures it looks like one incident. This article makes it sound like they did it all summer.

I see what you’re saying. Like how Bezos bought the Washington Post and then gathered an army of 20+ reporters whose sole job is to try and dig up dirt on Trump. You know, to push that journalistic standard of being fair and equal. Or the integrity of the Huff Post completely ignoring stories that could make Hillary

Same could be said for all media that is owned by a millionaire/billionaire.