
But he leans to the right so this gaming blog has to talk shit about him.

You should have stopped at, “the Times...”.

Sweet! Does Obamacare let me have undercover nurses around as well?

You should totally write the third edition.

Just updated my Nexus 6P to the latest Android version. Works great!

That chart... Have they heard of alphabetical order?!

Excellent read!

Ignorant and not funny yes. Racist? No. If someone were to make fun of the huge cowlick I have growing in the back of my head would that be racist? It’s the way my hair naturally grows.


I had a sinking feeling this was going to happen.

Don’t worry guys! Tebow said he’d hold off on his budding MLB career to come help out.

Knight Boat was ten times easier to drive...

It’s different... I’ll give you that.

I am a Fire TV convert. Used to love my Chromecast but always had spotty streaming. Got a Fire TV and apps like Sling play much better.

I am a Fire TV convert. Used to love my Chromecast but always had spotty streaming. Got a Fire TV and apps like

Why is your transfer case furry?

If you smell gas and you can remove the person from the mangled wreck you should do so.

That’s not “weird” and it’s not a “trick”. It’s an unconventional way to charge a car. No more, no less...

Assuming it’s the same 5.6L in my 08 Pathfinder. Great combination for that body style. Now that they’ve ruined the Pathfinder it’s great to see them coming back to market with the Patrol.

It is a racist term for mulatto coffee.

I would think fleets would be more worried about maintenance costs more than fuel economy.