
There’s definitely a disconnect over audience/reader expectation. When the MCU first began it was a risk — will audiences accept “true” comic book movies? Before the MCU, most comic book films were one-offs, and often heavily neutered to be consumable for mass audiences. But, the MCU kicked off by really exploring

THANK YOU! Very well said. I don’t know why people are so upset, especially when this isn’t a permanent change for Cap (because nothing in comics is permanent, and because Marvel just confirmed it). They’re not undermining the legacy of the character, they’re just providing some great commentary on America’s descent

No, that is what Steve Rogers thinks because this is what KOBIK, the sentient comic cube that restored Steve Rogers and made him evil all along, made him think. She rewrote his history. Nothing you see in the flashbacks - which have been present since issue 1 - are actually real. They are all altered perceptions by

God, this outrage is so fucking stupid.

So, having actually read and enjoyed Nick Spencer’s Captain America stories over the last few years, especially Sam Wilson: Captain America, this all feels like a monster payoff to that storyline and I’m looking forward to it.

I think the mistake was making this a line-wide, major summer event. It should have been a

I consider myself a big continuity nerd —continuity is what *makes* comics from the Big Two different than almost any other kind of media — and I still agree with you 100%.

Absolutely. I mastered this years ago when dealing with comics. Otherwise you go slowly mad, like that weird guy (in the story John Byrne tells) that came up with a theory that Spider-man’s irradiated blood inhibited both his aging and that of all his supporting characters. Y’know, ‘cause otherwise he’d be in his 70s.

Yep. This story line is stupid. Best just to pretend it never happened.

We ALL do this already anyway. It’s impossible for anyone to reconcile all of the stories about some character.

Dragon Age meets Jurassic World meets Star Wars meets Mad Max

It’s a very good show. Actors are almost uniformly excellent. Scripts don’t insult our intelligence; characters don’t say “Copy that” a lot as a substitute for dialogue. Handles time travel so far quite intelligently. Binge watched, it was very definitely worth it.

Yep! One of the first complaints we had was that the movie needed about 20-30 more minutes with main characters. Both for development and their dues at the end. Great flick though.

Holy shit, I love this book series. It’s crazy dark and twisted; the Turd Tanks from the first book still haunt me. I can’t recommend it enough.

The Rey/Ren fight has emotion behind it. While not as good as either Luke vs. Vader fight, I find it to be infinitely better than any of the prequel “glowstick rave dance” fights.

Duet is amazing, if hard to rewatch.

Exactly. It’s the Snyder Effect: great trailers and shitty films.

If Brostep were a supervillain it would undoubtedly be Jared Leto’s Joker.

Why would people bitch about not seeing more of him in the movie? He was the weakest part

Can someone explain to me why we hate the new Film Universe so much? I mean, I grew up on Star Trek - many family dinners revolved around a little tv in the kitchen with TNG on. I would catch every episode of TOS I could on TV. I watched Voyager as it aired with my brother. We owned bootleg copies of all the films.

Waid gave us an absolutely definitive Daredevil run. I’m just as surprised that he isn’t a huge name either