I’d be interested to know how they’re going to repair Tony’s relationship with Steve Rogers, which was damaged beyond repair in the lead-up to Secret Wars
I’d be interested to know how they’re going to repair Tony’s relationship with Steve Rogers, which was damaged beyond repair in the lead-up to Secret Wars
Did I say that? Did I even imply it? What I ACTUALLY said was: "He doesn't explain or justify it." THAT'S my problem. If someone is going post their opinions on a public website for anyone to view, then they should be prepared to back their opinions up with arguments if need be. Maybe he has a really intricate,…
No, that's just more snark. And that's all this article is: snark. There's no actual music criticism here. What is is about CSN that sets his teeth on edge? He doesn't explain or justify it. And don't give me "Oh, but it's just his opinion". That's what critics DO: they justify their opinions so the reader can judge…
Well, I deliberately didn't use the word 'hipster' in my posts because it doesn't really apply here. A hipster is more likely to declare David Crosby's solo album superior to Neil Young's entire oeuvre, just to be contrary.
Well if we're throwing reductive stereotypes around, I bet YOU wrote a lengthy blog post about how 'Anaconda' is actually a post-feminist empowerment anthem.
What about YOUNG men, like myself, talking about the genius of the Eagles?
"as opinions about music go, knee-jerk Nickelback-bashing has become as smug and cliché and dopey as "I like all kinds of music but country and rap.'"