
Your prog game is solid.

Holy crap! An actual long-form ARTICLE! Something that isn't reposted movie news, YouTube videos, political tweets or stuff about food.
Please, keep it coming.

I thought it was very effective, as a 'lone person against the elements' story, a single-location movie, and a female-lead film.

Not exactly. The comics have been deliberately vague about whether Cap merely thinks he has been Hydra all along, or whether the cosmic cube actually changed reality so that he was always Hydra.
Either way though, he wouldn't be evil if the Red Skull hadn't intervened and used the cosmic cube to alter him.
An analogy

I think (or rather I would hope) that comic readers can separate out things the character has done of their own volition from things they're not responsible for. Like, Iron Man with Civil War 1 and Captain Marvel with Civil War 2 - they were both supposed to be 'in-character' when they behaved like morons, and that

See, now that's a legitimate position: That this book just isn't for you, and you're sick of company-wide crossovers. I agree on that last part.

That's a good take on it. Except you're more forgiving of Millar and Snyder than I am.
The thing about Ultimates and Batman V Superman is that they have the 'heroes' doing awful things, and even if they're called out on it, their actions are still framed as 'badass' and necessary. Spencer's Cap run doesn't have that

No, but see that's exactly it. I DO NOT understand how anybody can so blatantly and wilfully misread the comic.

I do not understand this site's ongoing critique of Spencer's Captain America run. It seems entirely premised on the idea that the Captain America book should be the kind of blatant wish fulfilment fantasy that people who don't read comics often dismiss them as.

You forgot Secret Of Evermore. Even better than Secret Of Mana and it's never even been on the virtual console.

Yeah exactly.
I've also found that most popular sci-fi these days tends to be of the militaristic + transhumanist variety, which doesn't excite me.
Whereas most fantasy tries to out-grimdark George RR Martin, and most YA fiction is cookie-cutter 'chosen one' fluff.
But that's why I want to stay informed, in case I miss

Yeah, I'm reading the early Elric stories now, and while they're fun in that propulsive, pulpy kind of way, they also read like litany of now overused sword & sorcery cliches. Which is ironic, since Moorcock was subverting the cliches of the Conan era.
I'm waiting for the third volume of Hawkmoon to arrive in the mail,

Thanks! That sounds like it might be worthwhile.

That Gentlemen Bastards book sound interesting. A novel setting, and I enjoyed Mistborn because it also had a 'fantasy Ocean's Eleven' vibe.

Ah boo. From the headline, I thought there was a podcast about Xena out there…

I spent last year buying up old 80s & 90s heroic fantasy paperbacks; the ones I remember on the shelves in my childhood, with the lurid covers. Now I finally have some free time to read them. I just finished a David Gemmell book, and now I'm on Michael Moorcock's Elric saga. Next up, I hope to finally tackle Julian

Discipline is unimpeachable IMO. Their third most essential album (after Court… and Red). But I think Beat and Three… have about one LP's worth of 'A' material between them. The second side of Three… sounds like failed experiments to me.

I decided to get into 'proper' death metal, after enjoying Opeth for so long. I bought Carcass' Heartwork and At The Gates' Slaughter Of The Soul. I'm enjoying them so far, but it'll take quite a few listens for them to really sink in.

Yeah but…it was? I mean, that was some important stuff.
That doesn't mean other stuff that other generations experienced wasn't important too.

I've never understood this complaint. The film clearly parodies all the classic baby boomer touchstones, from Elvis to Lennon to the counter culture. It's literally a story of how an imbecile stumbles his way to greatness without understanding what any of it is about.